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Motivation and Declaration of Principles
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Project for the New American Century

U.S. State Terrorism

Strategies for transition to a First People's Century

How G. W. Bush and his gang of state terrorists lied to the world to justify the invasion of Iraq

The forged intelligence dossier on Iraq

The US invasion of Iraq

The US war on Iraq (Le Monde Diplomatique)

War is a racket

World Crisis Web

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs

U.S. Financial Aid to Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact

Background Readings

Campaigns (to impeach Bush, etc)

Capitalism in crisis

Centre for Research on Globalisation

World Social Forum

Center for Corporate Policy

---------------------------Criminal records:
Ronald Reagan

US imperial army war crimes

A guide to memos on torture
Andre Gunder Frank website

Warren Wagar
Eduard Prugovecki: A life in science and humanism
Margaret Prugovecki
W. Warren Wagar (1932-2004)
Goodbye compañero Andre Gunder Frank
Samir Amin - Miguel A. Bernal - Theotonio Dos Santos - Barry K. Gills - Róbinson Rojas
- Jeff Sommers - Arno Tausch
Strategies of transition to a First People's Century

This section in PFPC publishes useful texts dealing with strategies and tactics needed to stop US imperialism, encircle it, and eventually dismantling it, to make possible the building of more human societies. Thus, this section will deal with  defining targets and activities, pinpointing the main economic and social forces behind US imperialism and its vassal states, and from there drawing a blueprint to transit to the First People's Century.
Róbinson Rojas, 1st June 2003)
Róbinson Rojas:
The Political Economy of Development
2 March 2005
Redistributing Global Inequality.
A thought experiment
by Jozsef Borocz
The United Nations proclaimed the period 1997-2006 as the ‘First United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty’. The 1995 UN resolution recognised the existence of global inequalities that have deepened over time and assigned different tasks to donor (wealthy) nations and developing countries to ensure a greater equity among nations. This article focuses on the fiscal feasibility of a plan for global inequality reduction, a project that can be defined as a large-scale historic social process of social change aiming to diminish ‘oligarchic wealth’ in favour of a less extremely unbalanced structure of distribution, that is, ‘democratic wealth’. The project proposes global collective action to reduce interstate inequality in per capita economic performance. A successful implementation of such a project would, however, require the construction of social and political institutions leading to political action by a majority of humankind.
Dale L. Johnson
The Super Rogue State

The wars, terror, and inhumanity of the Super Rogue can and must be constrained and eventually dismantled. This can be accomplished by world wide activism of states that aspire, under pressure from their citizens, to become something other than vassals and by people demanding peace, justice, and equality. In this struggle... full text
R. K. Moore (2000)
Escaping the Matrix
Do you sometimes suspect that you're being sold a pack of lies? Do you ever wonder what's really going on behind the scenes on the global stage? Would you like to take a peek behind the matrix curtain they've built to hide us from the truth? Would you like to find out what we can do about it? Are you ready for the red pill?
(more articles by R. K. Moore)
( Universidade de Coimbra):
Reinventig Social Emancipation
This project (already completed) is a very useful initial reading for thinking about strategies of transition to a First People's Century under conditions of US hegemony- imperialism. I invite everybody to discuss the main points of this project and maybe writing articles to post them in PFPC
(Róbinson Rojas, 18 June 2003)

( University of Patras):
Agonistic Engagement Within Social Movement Networks
A two day workshop to be held in Corfu, Greece,
November 6-7, 2003


M. Novelli ( 2003):
SINTRAEMCALI & Social Movement Unionism: A case study of bottom-up globalisation in Colombia
...Trade Union activists in Colombia suffer from a systematic policy of assassination, and persecution carried out by paramilitary death squads linked to the Colombian state, with over 3600 trade unionists assassinated since 1986 (HRW, 1996, 2000, CUT, 2003). Despite this the trade union movement continues to resist the imposition of neoliberal economic policies ...
I. M. Estrada ( 1999):
The role of Civil Society and State in the Project for a Radical Democracy
...Thus, inclusion is not only a condition, but also a consequence of truly democratic participation.In a society of this nature, to be a citizen would mean to be an active agent in its construction, thanks to the full use of these fundamental rights. At the same time, the intensive, open and democratic use of such rights would turn citizenship into an articulating entity of collective plurality and individual integrity ...
J. Becher (May 2003 ):
The New Global Peace Movement vs. the Bush Juggernaut
The Bush administration envisions the coming decades as a continuation of recent U.S. demands, threats, and wars. It intends to continue the aggressive behavior already illustrated by war on Afghanistan and Iraq, armed intervention in the Philippines and Columbia, and threats against Syria, Iran, and North Korea. The Bush administration and its successors are likely to continue this juggernaut until they are made to stop.
J. Becher ( May 2003 ):
Terminating the Bush Juggernaut
No single force is well positioned to halt the Bush juggernaut. An effective strategy will therefore require cooperation among different forces that have different views and interests. Such "collective security" has been necessary in the past, and it is necessary now, to halt attempts at global domination.
P. Bennis ( May 2003 ):
Going Global: Building A Movement Against Empire
As the Bush administration strengthens its military victory and consolidates its occupation of Iraq, it continues its trajectory toward international expansion of power and global reach. The arrogance of its triumphalism, ignoring civilian carnage and dismissing the destruction of the ancient cities because, in Rumsfeld's words, "free people have the right to do bad things and commit crimes," reflects the hubris of ancient empires. Shakespeare's "insolence of office" could well describe the contempt with which the Pentagon warriors look down on the peoples of the world.
W. Warren Wagar ( May 2003 ):
Strategies of transition to a people's millenium

The arrogance of the neo-conservative power elite in full charge of American foreign policy since 2001 may seem incredible to those who grew up during the Cold War and thought of global politics as a fairly even contest between two "superpowers" and their numerous allies, buffered (at least in our imaginations) by a "Third World" of more or less non-aligned states....
W. L. Huntley ( May 2003 ):
Staying Serious: Answers to the Warniks
...One may recall several other freedom-based uprisings that the United States failed to support with force of arms: Hungary in 1956, Czechoslovakia in 1968, and Iraq in 1991. At the risk of getting too far afield, one might also mention the countless liberation movements of the past century that the United States has actively suppressed in the name of anticommunism (no less cynically than the Soviet Union's undercutting of foreign communist movements in the name of its own national interests).
I. Wallerstein ( 2001 ):
A Left Politics for an Age of Transition

After 500 years of existence, the world capitalist system is, for the first time, in true systemic crisis, and we find ourselves in an age of transition. (2) The outcome is intrinsically uncertain, but nonetheless, and also for the first time in these 500 years, there is a real perspective of fundamental change, which might be progressive but will not necessarily be so ...
E. Prugovecki (2003):
On some future social effects of the communications revolution
Methods of implementing computer-coordinated forms of participatory democracies by means of the Internet are discussed in light of the foreseeable progress in communication technology. Comparisons are drawn between the effects of the Industrial Revolution and the Communications Revolution at present in the making. The role of future Internet developments in changing the perceptions of social and political realities is examined...
R. E. George (2003):
Socioeconomic Democracy. Advanced Socioeconomic Systems to Help Build a People's Century
...It seems there have always and everywhere been two major thrusts of progressive political activity. Determined or hesitant, but always present, they can be found throughout the Ages, in the United States of America, and throughout the "globalizing" world. These two thrusts are the ubiquitous demand for more and more meaningful democracy and the equally ubiquitous search for a more sustainable and just socioeconomic system that resolves rather than creates and perpetuates serious, unnecessary, and costly societal problems...
G. Monbiot (2003):
How to stop America
...Now is the time to turn our campaigns against the war-mongering, wealth-concentrating, planet-consuming world order into a concerted campaign for global democracy. We must become the Chartists and the Suffragettes of the 21st Century. They understood that to change the world you must propose as well as oppose. ...
M. Palihawadana (2003):
Economic realities of our time — a Buddhist perspective
...Do we find any economic and social meanings in the categories of the Eightfold Path and in statements that are explicatory of these categories? The evidence that links the Eightfold Path with economic, social and political issues is super-abundant. But, unfortunately the conventional wisdom looked for the most part at other aspect, thus giving us an incomplete vision of the Buddhist message. ...
R. Biel (2000):
Future Challenge: grassroots movements and the prospects for the New social order
This text is Chapter 14 of Robert Biel book "The New Imperialism. Crisis and Contradictions in North-South Relations". I consider it a very useful reading for exploring our strategies of transition to a people's century. (Róbinson Rojas) ...