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The State of the World's Children 1999

Carol Bellamy, Executive Director, United Nations Children's Fund

Foreword by Kofi A. Annan, Secretary-General of the United

Chapter I

Education For All: Making the right a reality
The right to education
The education revolution
Investing in human rights

Chapter II
General note on the data
Explanation of symbols
Under-five mortality rankings
Regional summaries country list

1  Basic indicators
2  Nutrition 
3  Health
4  Education
5  Demographic indicators
6  Economic indicators
7  Women
8  The rate of progress


 1   Education in free fall: A region in the midst of
 2   What children understand: The Monitoring Learning       
     Achievement project
 3   Beyond the ruler: Competency-based learning in Tunisia
 4   Second-hand computer, first-class vision: Thailand's    
     CHILD project
 5   A Tanzanian school welcomes the disabled
 6   The floating classroom: School clusters in Cambodia
 7   Joyful learning: Empowering India's teachers
 8   Which language for education?
 9   A new beginning: Education in emergencies
10   In India: Helping the poor choose school
11   Egypt's community schools: A model for the education of
12   The macho problem: Where boys are underachieving
13   Women educators push the limits for girls in Africa
14   Parent education: Supporting children's first teachers


Sub-Saharan Africa
Middle East and North Africa
South Asia
East Asia and the Pacific
Latin America and the Caribbean
Central and Eastern Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent
States, and the Baltic States
Industrialized countries

Text figures

Fig.  1  Children out of school
Fig.  2  Net primary enrolment, by region (around 1995)
Fig.  3  Reaching grade five, by region (around 1995)
Fig.  4  International milestones for education
Fig.  5  Net primary enrolment, by region (1960-2000)
Fig.  6  AIDS orphans: A looming education crisis in         
         Sub-Saharan Africa
Fig.  7  Primary enrolment: Where the boys and girls are
Fig.  8  Education's impact on child mortality
Fig.  9  At a glance: The gender gap in primary education    
         and related indicators
Fig. 10  Generational impact of educating girls
Fig. 11  Who benefits from public spending on education?
Fig. 12  School mapping
Fig. 13  MEENA: An animated advocate for girls' rights
Fig. 14  Cost of education for all by the year 2010



Chapter II

Statistical tables

Economic and social statistics on the nations of the world,
with particular reference to children's well-being.

General note on the data
Explanation of symbols
Under-five mortality rankings
Regional summaries country list

1  Basic indicators
2  Nutrition 
3  Health
4  Education
5  Demographic indicators
6  Economic indicators
7  Women
8  The rate of progress

General note on the data

Major changes made to the statistical tables in the last
report are now an integral part of The State of the World's
Children 1999. In particular, each table now includes 193
independent, sovereign countries, listed alphabetically. The
under-five mortality rate (U5MR) is a critical indicator of
the well-being of children, and countries ranked in order of
their U5MR are listed on the page opposite this note. Every
table also includes a column providing the U5MR rank of each

The data presented in these tables are accompanied by
definitions, sources and explanations of symbols. The tables
are derived from many sources and thus will inevitably cover
a wide range of data quality. Official government data
received by the responsible United Nations agency have been
used whenever possible. In the many cases where there are no
reliable official figures, estimates made by the responsible
United Nations agency have been used. Where such
internationally standardized estimates do not exist, the
tables draw on other sources, particularly data received
from the appropriate UNICEF field office. Where possible,
only comprehensive or representative national data have been

Data quality is likely to be adversely affected for
countries that have recently suffered from man-made or
natural disasters. This is particularly so where basic
country infrastructure has been fragmented or major
population movements have occurred.

Data for life expectancy, total fertility rates, crude birth
and death rates, etc. are part of the regular work on
estimates and projections undertaken by the United Nations
Population Division. These and other internationally
produced estimates are revised periodically, which explains
why some of the data will differ from those found in earlier
UNICEF publications.

In addition, the statistical tables in the present report
include a substantial amount of new data, including
additional data from recent Multiple Indicator Cluster
Surveys. These surveys were carried out in 1995 and 1996 by
more than 60 countries worldwide as a means of assessing the
progress made for children in the context of the goals of
the World Summit for Children. 

Major changes have been made to two indicators. The net
primary school enrolment ratio, which last year included
both administrative and survey data, has been split into two
separate indicators: 'net primary school enrolment ratio',
as reported though administrative data, and 'net primary
school attendance', derived from household survey data.
Information on girls and boys going to school, or not going
to school, is critical for assessing the achievement of
basic education for all, and this warrants more attention to
the relevant data, which are currently reflected by two
indicators -- enrolment and attendance.

The second indicator that has been changed, 'maternal
mortality', has also been divided into two separate
indicators. The first of these is the most recent country
reported data on the maternal mortality ratio. The second is
the maternal mortality estimate adjusted for underreporting
and misclassification of maternal mortality deaths. This
approach has been taken because the maternal mortality ratio
reported by many countries does not take into account this
undercoverage and hence results in a biased assessment of
the maternal mortality situation.

Explanation of symbols

Since the aim of this statistics chapter is to provide a
broad picture of the situation of children and women
worldwide, detailed data qualifications and footnotes are
seen as more appropriate for inclusion elsewhere. Only two
symbols are used to classify the table data.

-  Indicates data are not available.

x  Indicates data that refer to years or periods other 
   than those specified in the column heading, differ from   
   the standard definition, or refer to only part of a 

Under-five mortality rankings

The following list ranks countries in descending order of
their estimated 1997 under-five mortality rate (U5MR).
Countries are listed alphabetically in the tables that

Country                       Under-5 mortality rate   

                               Value          Rank           

Niger                           320            1
Sierra Leone                    316            2
Angola                          292            3
Afghanistan                     257            4
Mali                            239            5
Liberia                         235            6
Guinea-Bissau                   220            7
Malawi                          215            8
Somalia                         211            9
Mozambique                      208           10
Congo, Dem. Rep.                207           11
Zambia                          202           12
Guinea                          201           13
Chad                            198           14
Nigeria                         187           15
Mauritania                      183           16
Burundi                         176           17
Ethiopia                        175           18
Central African Rep.            173           19
Equatorial Guinea               172           20
Rwanda                          170           21
Burkina Faso                    169           22
Benin                           167           23
Cambodia                        167           23
Madagascar                      158           25
Djibouti                        156           26
Côte d'Ivoire                   150           27
Mongolia                        150           27
Gabon                           145           29
Tanzania                        143           30
Lesotho                         137           31
Uganda                          137           31
Pakistan                        136           33
Haiti                           132           34
Togo                            125           35
Senegal                         124           36
Iraq                            122           37
Lao People's Dem. Rep.          122           37
Bhutan                          121           39
Eritrea                         116           40
Sudan                           115           41
Myanmar                         114           42
Papua New Guinea                112           43
Bangladesh                      109           44
Congo                           108           45
India                           108           45
Ghana                           107           47
Nepal                           104           48
Yemen                           100           49
Cameroon                         99           50
Bolivia                          96           51
Swaziland                        94           52
Comoros                          93           53
Marshall Islands                 92           54
Gambia                           87           55
Kenya                            87           55
Guyana                           82           57
Zimbabwe                         80           58
Sao Tome and Principe            78           59
Turkmenistan                     78           59
Tajikistan                       76           61
Kiribati                         75           62
Namibia                          75           62
Maldives                         74           64
Cape Verde                       73           65
Egypt                            73           65
Morocco                          72           67
Indonesia                        68           68
South Africa                     65           69
Uzbekistan                       60           70
Nicaragua                        57           71
Peru                             56           72
Tuvalu                           56           72
Guatemala                        55           74
Dominican Rep.                   53           75
Samoa                            52           76
Vanuatu                          50           77
Botswana                         49           78
Kyrgyzstan                       48           79
China                            47           80
Azerbaijan                       45           81
Honduras                         45           81
Turkey                           45           81
Brazil                           44           84
Kazakhstan                       44           84
Belize                           43           86
Viet Nam                         43           86
Philippines                      41           88
Albania                          40           89
Algeria                          39           90
Ecuador                          39           90
Thailand                         38           92
Lebanon                          37           93
Saint Kitts and Nevis            37           93
El Salvador                      36           95
Iran                             35           96
Mexico                           35           96
Palau                            34           98
Paraguay                         33           99
Syria                            33           99
Tunisia                          33           99
Moldova, Rep. of                 31          102
Armenia                          30          103
Colombia                         30          103
Cook Islands                     30          103
Korea, Dem. People's Rep.        30          103
Nauru                            30          103
Suriname                         30          103
Georgia                          29          109
Grenada                          29          109
Saint Lucia                      29          109
Saudi Arabia                     28          112
Solomon Islands                  28          112
Romania                          26          114
Libya                            25          115
Russian Federation               25          115
Venezuela                        25          115
Argentina                        24          118
Fiji                             24          118
Jordan                           24          118
Micronesia, Fed. States of       24          118
Ukraine                          24          118
Mauritius                        23          123
TFYR Macedonia*                  23          123
Tonga                            23          123
Bahrain                          22          126
Antigua and Barbuda              21          127
Bahamas                          21          127
Saint Vincent/Grenadines         21          127
Uruguay                          21          127
Yugoslavia                       21          127
Dominica                         20          132
Latvia                           20          132
Panama                           20          132
Qatar                            20          132
Bulgaria                         19          136
Sri Lanka                        19          136
Belarus                          18          138
Oman                             18          138
Seychelles                       18          138
Trinidad and Tobago              17          141
Bosnia and Herzegovina           16          142
Lithuania                        15          143
Costa Rica                       14          144
Estonia                          14          144
Chile                            13          146
Kuwait                           13          146
Barbados                         12          148
Hungary                          11          149
Jamaica                          11          149
Malaysia                         11          149
Poland                           11          149
Slovakia                         11          149
Brunei Darussalam                10          154
Malta                            10          154
United Arab Emirates             10          154
Croatia                           9          157
Cyprus                            9          157
Cuba                              8          159
Greece                            8          159
Portugal                          8          159
United States                     8          159
Belgium                           7          163
Canada                            7          163
Czech Rep.                        7          163
Ireland                           7          163
Liechtenstein                     7          163
Luxembourg                        7          163
New Zealand                       7          163
United Kingdom                    7          163
Andorra                           6          171
Australia                         6          171
Denmark                           6          171
Israel                            6          171
Italy                             6          171
Japan                             6          171
Korea, Rep. of                    6          171  
Netherlands                       6          171
San Marino                        6          171
Slovenia                          6          171
Austria                           5          181
France                            5          181
Germany                           5          181
Iceland                           5          181
Monaco                            5          181
Spain                             5          181
Switzerland                       5          181
Finland                           4          188
Norway                            4          188
Singapore                         4          188
Sweden                            4          188
Holy See                    no data 
Niue                        no data 

*The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, referred to in
the tables as TFYR Macedonia.

Table 1: Basic  indicators                                                                                                                                                                                            % share
                                                                              Infant                                               Annual                                                           Primary                 of household
                                  Under-5           Under-5                  mortality                              Annual         no. of                            Life          Total            school                     income
                                  mortality        mortality                   rate                  Total          no. of         under-5          GNP           expectancy       adult            enrolment                  1990-96
                                    rank             rate                    (under 1)             population       births         deaths        per capita       at birth        literacy          ratio 
                                                                                                   (thousands)    (thousands)    (thousands)       (US$)           (years)         rate             (gross)           lowest           highest
                                                  1960    1997           1960           1997          1997           1997           1997            1996             1997           1995            1990-96            40%              20%

 Afghanistan                          4            360     257            215            165          22132           1201            309            250x              45             32               49                -                -
 Albania                             89            151      40            112             34           3422             74              3            820               71              -              101                -                -
 Algeria                             90            255      39            152             34          29473            869             34           1520               69             62              107               18x              46x 
 Andorra                            171              -       6              -              5             74              1              0              c                -              -                -                -                -
 Angola                               3            345     292            208            170          11569            556            162            270               47             42x              88                -                -
 Antigua and Barbuda                127              -      21              -             17             67              1              0           7330               75             95x             100x               -                -
 Argentina                          118             72      24             60             21          35671            712             17           8380               73             96              113                -                -
 Armenia                            103             48      30             38             25           3642             48              1            630               71            100               82                -                -
 Australia                          171             24       6             20              5          18250            262              2          20090               78              -              108               16x              42x 
 Austria                            181             43       5             37              5           8161             84              0          28110               77              -              101                -                -
 Azerbaijan                          81             75      45             55             34           7655            149              7            480               71            100              104                -                -
 Bahamas                            127             68      21             51             18            288              5              0          11850x              74             98               94                -                -
 Bahrain                            126            203      22            130             18            582             12              0           7840x              73             85              108                -                -
 Bangladesh                          44            247     109            151             81         122013           3282            358            260               58             38               69               23               38
 Barbados                           148             90      12             74             11            262              3              0           6600x              76             97               90                -                -
 Belarus                            138             47      18             37             14          10339            103              2           2070               70             99               97               26               33
 Belgium                            163             35       7             31              6          10188            114              1          26440               77              -              103               22x              36x 
 Belize                              86            104      43             74             35            224              7              0           2700               75             70x             121                -                -
 Benin                               23            300     167            176            102           5720            241             40            350               55             37               72                -                -
 Bhutan                              39            300     121            175             87           1862             78              9            390               53             42               25x               -                -
 Bolivia                             51            255      96            152             69           7774            260             25            830               61             83               95               15               48
 Bosnia and Herzegovina             142            155      16            105             14           3784             42              1              a               73              -                -                -                -
 Botswana                            78            170      49            117             39           1518             53              3           3210x              51             70              115               11x              59x 
 Brazil                              84            177      44            115             37         163132           3200            141           4400               67             85              112                7x              68x 
 Brunei Darussalam                  154             87      10             63              8            307              6              0          25160x              75             88              110                -                -
 Bulgaria                           136             70      19             49             16           8427             86              2           1190               71             98               97               21               39
 Burkina Faso                        22            315     169            181            110          11087            511             86            230               46             19               38                -                -
 Burundi                             17            255     176            151            106           6398            274             48            170               47             35               70                -                -
 Cambodia                            23            217     167            146            106          10516            359             60            300               54             65x             122                -                -
 Cameroon                            50            255      99            151             64          13937            550             54            610               56             63               88                -                -
 Canada                             163             33       7             28              6          29943            355              2          19020               79             97x             102               18x              40x 
 Cape Verde                          65            164      73            110             54            406             13              1           1010               67             72              131                -                -
 Central African Rep.                19            327     173            187            113           3416            129             22            310               49             60               58                -                -
 Chad                                14            325     198            195            118           6702            280             55            160               48             48               55                -                -
 Chile                              146            138      13            107             11          14625            293              4           4860               75             95              100               10               61
 China                               80            209      47            140             38        1243738          20481            963            750               70             82              120               15               48
 Colombia                           103            130      30             82             25          37068            873             26           2140               71             91              114               11               56
 Comoros                             53            265      93            200             69            651             26              2            450               57             57               74                -                -
 Congo                               45            220     108            143             81           2745            117             13            670               51             75              114                -                -
 Congo, Dem. Rep.                    11            302     207            175            128          48040           2167            449            130               53             77               72                -                -
 Cook Islands                       103              -      30              -             26             20              0              0           1550x               -             99x              98                -                -
 Costa Rica                         144            112      14             80             12           3575             86              1           2640               77             95              107               13x              51x 
 Cote d'Ivoire                       27            300     150            195             90          14300            533             80            660               51             40               69               18x              44x 
 Croatia                            157             98       9             70              8           4498             48              0           3800               72             98               86                -                -
 Cuba                               159             54       8             39              7          11068            146              1           1170x              76             96              105                -                -
 Cyprus                             157             36       9             30              8            766             12              0          14920x              78             94x             100                -                -
 Czech Rep.                         163             25       7             22              6          10237            109              1           4740               73              -              103               24               37
 Denmark                            171             25       6             22              6           5248             68              0          32100               76              -               99               17x              39x 
 Djibouti                            26            289     156            186            111            634             24              4            780x              50             46               38                -                -
 Dominica                           132              -      20              -             17             71              2              0           3090               74              -                -                -                -
 Dominican Rep.                      75            149      53            102             44           8097            197             10           1600               71             82              103               12x              56x 
 Ecuador                             90            180      39            115             30          11937            309             12           1500               70             90              109               14               53
 Egypt                               65            282      73            189             54          64465           1697            124           1080               66             51              100               21               41
 El Salvador                         95            210      36            130             31           5928            167              6           1700               69             72               88                -                -
 Equatorial Guinea                   20            316     172            188            109            420             17              3            530               50             79              149x               -                -
 Eritrea                             40            250     116            170             73           3409            137             16            100x              51              -               57                -                -
 Estonia                            144             52      14             40             13           1455             13              0           3080               69             98              109               17               46
 Ethiopia                            18            280     175            175            111          60148           2936            514            100               50             36               31               21x              41x 
 Fiji                               118             97      24             71             20            809             18              0           2470               72             92              128                -                -
 Finland                            188             28       4             22              4           5142             61              0          23240               77              -              100               18x              38x 
 France                             181             34       5             29              5          58542            684              4          26270               79              -              106               17x              42x 
 Gabon                               29            287     145            171             85           1138             43              6           3950               55             63                -                -                -
 Gambia                              55            364      87            207             66           1169             46              4            320x              47             39               73                -                -
 Georgia                            109             70      29             52             23           5434             75              2            850               73             99               82                -                -
 Germany                            181             40       5             34              5          82190            769              4          28870               77              -              102               19x              40x 
 Ghana                               47            215     107            127             68          18338            705             75            360               58             65               76               20               42
 Greece                             159             64       8             53              7          10522            104              1          11460               78             97               98                -                -
 Grenada                            109              -      29              -             24             93              2              0           2880                -             96x              88x               -                -
 Guatemala                           74            202      55            136             43          11241            412             23           1470               67             56               84                8x              63x 
 Guinea                              13            380     201            215            126           7614            365             73            560               46             36               48               11               50
 Guinea-Bissau                        7            336     220            200            130           1112             45             10            250               44             55               64                9               59
 Guyana                              57            126      82            100             59            847             18              1            690               64             98               94                -                -
 Haiti                               34            253     132            169             92           7395            253             33            310               54             45               56                -                -
 Holy See                             -              -       -              -              -              1              -              -              -                -              -                -                -                -
 Honduras                            81            204      45            137             36           5981            202              9            660               70             73              111               11               57
 Hungary                            149             57      11             51             10           9990            101              1           4340               69             99               97               24               37
 Iceland                            181             22       5             17              5            274              4              0          26580               79              -               97                -                -
 India                               45            236     108            144             71         960178          24389           2634            380               62             52              100               21               43
 Indonesia                           68            216      68            128             45         203480           4756            323           1080               65             84              114               21               41
 Iran                                96            233      35            145             32          71518           2455             86           1033x              69             69               99                -                -
 Iraq                                37            171     122            117             94          21177            781             95           1036x              62             58               90                -                -
 Ireland                            163             36       7             31              6           3559             46              0          17110               77              -              104                -                -
 Israel                             171             39       6             32              6           5781            117              1          15870               78             96               99               18x              40x 
 Italy                              171             50       6             44              5          57241            523              3          19880               78             98               98               19x              41x 
 Jamaica                            149             76      11             58             10           2515             55              1           1600               75             85              109               16               48
 Japan                              171             40       6             31              4         125638           1299              8          40940               80              -              102               22x              38x 
 Jordan                             118            139      24             97             20           5774            217              5           1650               70             87               94               16               50
 Kazakhstan                          84             74      44             55             37          16832            308             14           1350               68            100               96               20               40
 Kenya                               55            205      87            122             57          28414           1054             92            320               54             78               85               10               62
 Kiribati                            62              -      75              -             55             81              2              0            920               60             93x              91                -                -
 Korea, Dem. People's Rep.          103            120      30             85             23          22837            495             15            970x              72              -              104x               -                -
 Korea, Rep. of                     171            127       6             90              6          45717            689              4          10610               72             98              101               20x              42x 
 Kuwait                             146            128      13             89             12           1731             38              0          18720x              76             79               73                -                -
 Kyrgyzstan                          79            115      48             80             38           4481            115              6            550               68             97              107               10               57
 Lao People's Dem. Rep.              37            235     122            155             99           5194            233             28            400               53             57              107               23               40
 Latvia                             132             44      20             35             16           2474             24              0           2300               68            100               89               23               37
 Lebanon                             93             85      37             65             30           3144             76              3           2970               70             92              109                -                -
 Lesotho                             31            203     137            137             95           2131             75             10            660               59             71               99                9x              60x 
 Liberia                              6            288     235            190            157           2467            124             29            490x              50             38               35x               -                -
 Libya                              115            270      25            159             22           5784            232              6           5540x              65             76              110                -                -
 Liechtenstein                      163              -       7              -              6             32              0              0              c                -            100x               -                -                -
 Lithuania                          143             70      15             52             13           3719             39              1           2280               70             99               96               20               42
 Luxembourg                         163             41       7             33              5            417              5              0          45360               76              -              104                -                -
 Madagascar                          25            364     158            219             96          15845            656            104            250               58             46               72               16               50
 Malawi                               8            361     215            205            135          10086            488            105            180               41             56              135                -                -
 Malaysia                           149            105      11             73             10          21018            536              6           4370               72             84               91               13x              54x 
 Maldives                            64            258      74            158             53            273             11              1           1080               64             93              134                -                -
 Mali                                 5            517     239            293            145          11480            548            131            240               48             31               34                -                -
 Malta                              154             42      10             37              9            371              5              0           8650x              77             91              108                -                -
 Marshall Islands                    54              -      92              -             63             59              2              0           1890                -             91x              95                -                -
 Mauritania                          16            310     183            180            120           2392             92             17            470               53             38               78               14x              47x 
 Mauritius                          123             92      23             67             20           1141             22              1           3710               71             83              107                -                -
 Mexico                              96            134      35             94             29          94281           2345             82           3670               72             90              115               12               55
 Micronesia, Fed. States of         118              -      24              -             20            130              4              0           2070               66             81x             100                -                -
 Moldova, Rep. of                   102             88      31             64             25           4448             59              2            590               68             99               94               19               42
 Monaco                             181              -       5              -              5             32              0              0              c                -              -                -                -                -
 Mongolia                            27            185     150            128            105           2568             72             11            360               66             83               88                -                -
 Morocco                             67            220      72            135             58          27518            707             51           1290               66             44               83               17               46
 Mozambique                          10            280     208            163            130          18265            777            162             80               47             40               60                -                -
 Myanmar                             42            252     114            169             81          46765           1285            146            220x              60             83              100                -                -
 Namibia                             62            206      75            129             58           1613             58              4           2250               56             76x             133                -                -
 Nauru                              103              -      30              -             25             11              0              0              -                -              -                -                -                -
 Nepal                               48            297     104            199             75          22591            826             86            210               57             28              110               19               45
 Netherlands                        171             22       6             18              5          15661            187              1          25940               78              -              107               21x              37x 
 New Zealand                        163             26       7             22              7           3641             56              0          15720               77              -              104               16x              45x 
 Nicaragua                           71            209      57            140             42           4351            147              8            380               68             66              110               12               55
 Niger                                1            320     320            191            191           9788            496            159            200               48             14               29               19               44
 Nigeria                             15            207     187            123            112         118369           5039            942            240               52             57               89               13               49
 Niue                                 -              -       -              -              -              2              0              -              -                -             99x               -                -                -
 Norway                             188             23       4             19              4           4364             58              0          34510               78              -               99               19x              37x 
 Oman                               138            280      18            164             15           2401            106              2           4950x              71             59x              80                -                -
 Pakistan                            33            226     136            139             95         143831           5250            714            480               64             38               74               21               40
 Palau                               98              -      34              -             28             17              1              0            790x               -             98x             103                -                -
 Panama                             132            104      20             67             18           2722             61              1           3080               74             91              106                8x              60x 
 Papua New Guinea                    43            204     112            137             79           4500            146             16           1150               58             72               80                -                -
 Paraguay                            99             90      33             66             27           5088            160              5           1850               70             92              109                -                -
 Peru                                72            234      56            142             44          24367            613             34           2420               68             89              123               14               50
 Philippines                         88            110      41             80             32          70724           2029             83           1160               68             95              116               17x              48x 
 Poland                             149             70      11             62             10          38635            456              5           3230               71              -               98               23               37
 Portugal                           159            112       8             81              7           9802            110              1          10160               75             90              128                -                -
 Qatar                              132            239      20            145             16            569             10              0          11590x              72             79               86                -                -
 Romania                            114             82      26             69             22          22606            249              6           1600               70             98              100               24               35
 Russian Federation                 115             65      25             48             20         147708           1416             35           2410               65             99              108               12               54
 Rwanda                              21            210     170            124            105           5883            267             45            190               40             61               82               23x              39x 
 Saint Kitts and Nevis               93              -      37              -             30             41              1              0           5870               70             90x               -                -                -
 Saint Lucia                        109              -      29              -             24            146              3              0           3500               70              -               95x               -                -
 Saint Vincent/Grenadines           127              -      21              -             18            114              2              0           2370               73             82x              95x               -                -
 Samoa                               76            210      52            134             41            168              4              0           1170               69             98x             116                -                -
 San Marino                         171              -       6              -              5             26              0              0              -                -              -                -                -                -
 Sao Tome and Principe               59              -      78              -             61            138              6              0            330               64             57x               -                -                -
 Saudi Arabia                       112            292      28            170             24          19494            675             19           6800x              71             63               78                -                -
 Senegal                             36            300     124            173             72           8762            362             45            570               51             33               69               11               59
 Seychelles                         138              -      18              -             14             75              3              0           6850               71             84x             102x               -                -
 Sierra Leone                         2            390     316            220            182           4428            208             66            200               37             31               50                -                -
 Singapore                          188             40       4             31              4           3439             55              0          30550               77             91              104               15x              49x 
 Slovakia                           149             40      11             33             10           5355             62              1           3410               71              -              100               28               31
 Slovenia                           171             45       6             37              5           1922             18              0           9240               73            100x             103               23               38
 Solomon Islands                    112            185      28            120             23            404             14              0            900               71             62x              97                -                -
 Somalia                              9            294     211            175            125          10217            519            110            110x              49             24x              11x               -                -
 South Africa                        69            126      65             89             49          43336           1295             84           3520               65             82              117                9               63
 Spain                              181             57       5             46              5          39717            386              2          14350               78             97              105               22x              37x 
 Sri Lanka                          136            133      19             83             17          18273            324              6            740               73             90              113               22               39
 Sudan                               41            210     115            125             73          27899            944            109            320x              55             46               54                -                -
 Suriname                           103             96      30             70             24            437              9              0           1000               71             93              127x               -                -
 Swaziland                           52            233      94            157             66            906             33              3           1210               60             77              122                -                -
 Sweden                             188             20       4             16              4           8844            105              0          25710               78              -              105               21x              37x 
 Switzerland                        181             27       5             22              5           7276             79              0          44350               79              -              107               17x              45x 
 Syria                               99            201      33            136             27          14951            457             15           1160               69             79              101                -                -
 Tajikistan                          61            140      76             95             56           6046            185             14            340               67            100               89                -                -
 Tanzania                            30            240     143            142             92          31507           1303            186            170               51             68               67               18               45
 TFYR Macedonia                     123            177      23            120             20           2190             31              1            990               72              -               89                -                -
 Thailand                            92            148      38            103             31          59159            995             38           2960               69             94               87               14               53
 Togo                                35            267     125            158             78           4317            181             23            300               50             52              133                -                -
 Tonga                              123              -      23              -             19             99              2              0           1790               72             99x              98x               -                -
 Trinidad and Tobago                141             73      17             61             15           1307             21              0           3870               74             98               96                -                -
 Tunisia                             99            254      33            170             27           9326            225              7           1930               69             67              116               16               46
 Turkey                              81            219      45            163             40          62774           1390             63           2830               69             82              105                -                -
 Turkmenistan                        59            150      78            100             57           4235            122             10            940               65             98x               -               18               43
 Tuvalu                              72              -      56              -             40             10              0              0            650x               -             99x             101                -                -
 Uganda                              31            224     137            133             86          20791           1070            147            300               41             62               73               17               48
 Ukraine                            118             53      24             41             18          51424            495             12           1200               69             99               87               24               35
 United Arab Emirates               154            223      10            149              9           2308             43              0          17390x              75             79               95                -                -
 United Kingdom                     163             27       7             23              6          58200            693              5          19600               77              -              115               15x              44x 
 United States                      159             30       8             26              7         271648           3757             30          28020               77             99x             102               16x              42x 
 Uruguay                            127             56      21             48             18           3221             54              1           5760               73             97              111                -                -
 Uzbekistan                          70            122      60             84             46          23656            674             40           1010               68            100               77                -                -
 Vanuatu                             77            225      50            141             39            178              5              0           1290               67             64x             106                -                -
 Venezuela                          115             75      25             56             21          22777            571             14           3020               73             91               94               11               58
 Viet Nam                            86            219      43            147             32          76548           1952             84            290               67             94              113               19               44
 Yemen                               49            340     100            230             76          16294            784             78            380               58             39x              79                -                -
 Yugoslavia                         127            120      21             87             18          10350            130              3              b               72             98               72                -                -
 Zambia                              12            213     202            126            112           8478            361             73            360               43             78               89               12               50
 Zimbabwe                            58            159      80             97             53          11682            437             35            610               49             85              116               10               62

 Regional summaries

 Sub-Saharan Africa                                257     170            154            105         592348          25218           4289            528               51             57               74               11               58
 Middle East and North Africa                      241      62            154             48         325808          10364            638           1798               66             59               92                -                -
 South Asia                                        239     116            146             78        1291153          35361           4117            380               61             49               93               21               42
 East Asia and Pacific                             201      52            133             40        1818498          34141           1777           1193               68             84              116               17               46
 Latin America and Caribbean                       154      41            103             33         486711          11190            455           3681               70             87              109                9               61
 CEE/CIS and Baltic States                         101      35             76             29         475816           6603            233           2182               68             97               98               18               44
 Industrialized countries                           37       7             31              6         842707           9950             65          27086               78             98              104               18               40
 Developing countries                              216      96            138             65        4655054         119457          11434           1222               63             71               99               15               51
 Least developed countries                         281     168            171            108         610483          24219           4073            232               51             48               68               20               43
 World                                             192      87            124             59        5833041         132827          11574           5051               64             75              100               18               42

 Countries in each region are listed in the Regional summaries country list.

Definitions of the indicators

Under-five mortality rate -- Probability of dying between
birth and exactly five years of age expressed per 1,000 live

Infant mortality rate -- Probability of dying between birth
and exactly one year of age expressed per 1,000 live births. 

GNP per capita -- Gross national product (GNP) is the sum of
gross value added by all resident producers, plus any taxes
that are not included in the valuation of output, plus net
receipts of primary income from non-resident sources. GNP
per capita is the gross national product, converted to
United States dollars using the World Bank Atlas method,
divided by the mid-year population.

Life expectancy at birth  -- The number of years newborn
children would live if subject to the mortality risks
prevailing for the cross-section of population at the time
of their birth.

Adult literacy rate -- Percentage of persons aged 15 and
over who can read and write.

Gross primary school enrolment ratio -- The number of
children enrolled in primary school, regardless of age,
divided by the population of the age group that officially
corresponds to primary schooling.

Income share -- Percentage of income received by the 20 per
cent of households with the highest income and by the 40 per
cent of households with the lowest income.

Main data sources 

Under-five and infant mortality rates -- UNICEF, United
Nations Population Division and United Nations Statistics

Total population -- United Nations Population Division.

Births -- United Nations Population Division. 

Under-five deaths -- UNICEF.

GNP per capita -- World Bank.

Life expectancy -- United Nations Population Division.

Adult literacy -- United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 

School enrolment -- United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Household income -- World Bank.

a:  Range $785 or less.
b:  Range $786 to $3115.
c:  Range $9636 or more.

- Data not available.
x Indicates data that refer to years or periods other than
  those specified in the column heading, differ from the
  standard definition, or refer to only part of a country.

Table 2: Nutrition
                                                 % of              % of children (1990-98) who are:                    % of under-fives (1990-97) suffering from:
                                                 infants                                                                                                                        Total           % of
                                Under-5          with low     exclusively    breastfed with     still                 underweight              wasting         stunting       goitre rate     households
                                mortality        birth-       breastfed       complementary   breastfeeding                                                                   (6-11 years)    consuming
                                  rank           weight                           food                         moderate                        moderate        moderate          (%)         iodized salt
                                                 1990-97      (0-3 months)    (6-9 months)    (20-23 months)   & severe         severe         & severe        & severe        1985-97         1992-98

 Afghanistan                         4             20             25               -               -              48               -              25              52              20               -
 Albania                            89              7              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              41               -
 Algeria                            90              9             48              29              21              13               3               9              18               9              92
 Andorra                           171              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Angola                              3             19             12              70              49              42              14               6              53               7              10
 Antigua and Barbuda               127              8              -               -               -              10x              4x             10x              0x              -               -
 Argentina                         118              7              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               8              90
 Armenia                           103              7             21              34               -               -               -               -               -              40               -
 Australia                         171              6              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Austria                           181              6              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Azerbaijan                         81              6             53              75               -              10               2               3              22              20               -
 Bahamas                           127              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Bahrain                           126              6              -              69               -               9               2               5              10               -               -
 Bangladesh                         44             50             52              69              90              56              21              18              55              50              78
 Barbados                          148             10              -               -               -               5x              1x              4x              7x              -               -
 Belarus                           138              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              22              37
 Belgium                           163              6              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               5               -
 Belize                             86              4             24              49               -               6               1               -               -               0              90
 Benin                              23              -             15              97              65              29               7              14              25              24              79
 Bhutan                             39              -              -               -               -              38x              -               4x             56x             14              82
 Bolivia                            51             12             53              78              36              16               4               4              28               5              92
 Bosnia and Herzegovina            142              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Botswana                           78             11             39               -               -              17               5              11              29               8              27
 Brazil                             84              8             42              30              17               6               1               2              11              14x             95
 Brunei Darussalam                 154              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Bulgaria                          136              6              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              20               -
 Burkina Faso                       22             21             12               -               -              30               8              13              29              16              23
 Burundi                            17              -             89x             66x             73x             37              11               9              43              42              80
 Cambodia                           23              -             60               -              48              52              18              13              56              12               7
 Cameroon                           50             13              7              77              35              14               3               3              24              26              86
 Canada                            163              6              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Cape Verde                         65              9             18               -               -              14               2               6              16              26              99
 Central African Rep.               19             15             23               -               -              27               8               7              34              63              65
 Chad                               14              -              2              81              62              39              14              14              40              15              55
 Chile                             146              5             77              17               -               1               -               0               2               1              97
 China                              80              9             64               -               -              16               -               -              34              20              83
 Colombia                          103              9             16              61              17               8               1               1              15               7              92
 Comoros                            53              8              5              87              45              26               8               8              34               -               -
 Congo                              45             16             43x             95x             27x             17x              3x              4x             21x              8               -
 Congo, Dem. Rep.                   11             15             32              40              64              34              10              10              45               9              90
 Cook Islands                      103              1              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Costa Rica                        144              7             35              47              12               2               -               -               -               4              89
 Cote d'Ivoire                      27             12              3              65              45              24               6               8              24               6               -
 Croatia                           157              -             24               -               -               1               -               1               1               -              70
 Cuba                              159              7             76              66               -               9               -               3               -              10              45
 Cyprus                            157              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Czech Rep.                        163              6              -               -               -               1               0               2               2               -               -
 Denmark                           171              6              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               5               -
 Djibouti                           26             11              -               -               -              18               6              13              26               -               -
 Dominica                          132             10              -               -               -               5x              0x              2x              6x              -               -
 Dominican Rep.                     75             13             25              47               7               6               1               1              11               5              13
 Ecuador                            90             13             29              52              34              17x              0x              2x             34x             10              97
 Egypt                              65             10             53              37               -              15               4               6              25               5               0
 El Salvador                        95             11             20              71              28              11               1               1              23              25              91
 Equatorial Guinea                  20              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -              20
 Eritrea                            40             13             66              45              60              44              17              16              38               -              80
 Estonia                           144              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Ethiopia                           18             16             74               -              35              48              16               8              64              31               0
 Fiji                              118             12              -               -               -               8               1               8               3               -              31
 Finland                           188              4              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 France                            181              5              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               5x              -
 Gabon                              29              -             57               -               -               -               -               -               -               5               -
 Gambia                             55              -              -               8              58              26               5               -              30               -               0
 Georgia                           109              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              64               -
 Germany                           181              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              10               -
 Ghana                              47              8             19              63              48              27               8              11              26              10              10
 Greece                            159              6              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              10               -
 Grenada                           109              9              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Guatemala                          74             15             50              56              43              27               6               3              50              20              64
 Guinea                             13             13             52               -              15               -               -              12              29              55              37
 Guinea-Bissau                       7             20              -               -               -              23x              -               -               -              19               -
 Guyana                             57             15              -               -               -              12               -              12              10               -               -
 Haiti                              34             15              3              83              25              28               8               8              32               4x             10
 Holy See                            -              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Honduras                           81              9             42              69              45              18               3               2              40               9              85
 Hungary                           149              9              -               -               -               2x              0x              2x              3x              -               -
 Iceland                           181              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 India                              45             33             51              31              67              53              21              18              52               9              70
 Indonesia                          68              8             47              85              63              34               8              13              42              28              62
 Iran                               96             10             66               -              41              16               3               7              19              30              94
 Iraq                               37             15              -               -              25              23               6              10              31               7              10
 Ireland                           163              4              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Israel                            171              7              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Italy                             171              5              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              20               -
 Jamaica                           149             10              -               -               -              10               1               4               6               -             100
 Japan                             171              7              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Jordan                            118              7             32              48              13               9               -               2              16               -              75
 Kazakhstan                         84              -             12              61              21               8               2               3              16              20              53
 Kenya                              55             16             17              90              54              23               6               8              34               7             100
 Kiribati                           62              3              -               -               -              13x              -              11x             28x              -               -
 Korea, Dem. People's Rep.         103              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               5
 Korea, Rep. of                    171              9              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Kuwait                            146              7              -               -               -               6x              -               3x             12x              -               -
 Kyrgyzstan                         79              -             38              50              25               -               -               -               -              20               -
 Lao People's Dem. Rep.             37             18             36               -              31              40              12              11              47              25              93
 Latvia                            132              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Lebanon                            93             10              -               -               -               3               -               3              12              15              92
 Lesotho                            31             11             54              47              52              16               4               5              44              43              73
 Liberia                             6              -              -              17              25               -               -               -               -               6               -
 Libya                             115              7              -               -               -               5               -               3              15               6              90
 Liechtenstein                     163              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Lithuania                         143              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Luxembourg                        163              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Madagascar                         25              5             61              93              49              40              13               7              48              15              73
 Malawi                              8             20             11              78              68              30               9               7              48              13              58
 Malaysia                          149              8              -               -               -              19               1               -               -              20               -
 Maldives                           64             13              8               -               -              43              10              17              27              24               -
 Mali                                5             16             13              33              60              40              17              23              30              29               9
 Malta                             154              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Marshall Islands                   54             14              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Mauritania                         16             11             60              64              59              23               9               7              44               -               3
 Mauritius                         123             13             16              29               -              16               2              15              10               0               0
 Mexico                             96              7             38x             36x             21x             14x              -               6x             22x              3              99
 Micronesia, Fed. States of        118              9              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Moldova, Rep. of                  102              4              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Monaco                            181              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Mongolia                           27              7             93              99              74              10               -               1              22              31              62
 Morocco                            67              9             31              33              20               9               2               2              23              20               -
 Mozambique                         10             20             37               -               -              27              11               5              55              20              62
 Myanmar                            42             24             30              40              56              43              16               8              45              18              14
 Namibia                            62             16             22              65              23              26               6               9              28              35              59
 Nauru                             103              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Nepal                              48              -             83              63              88              47              16              11              48              44              93
 Netherlands                       171              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               3               -
 New Zealand                       163              6              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Nicaragua                          71              9             11              48              17              12               -               2              24               4              98
 Niger                               1             15              -              67              52              43              15              15              40               9               7
 Nigeria                            15             16              2              52              43              36              12               9              43              20              98
 Niue                                -              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Norway                            188              4              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Oman                              138              8             28              85              64              23               3              13              23              10              65
 Pakistan                           33             25             16              31              56              38              13               -               -              32              19
 Palau                              98              8              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Panama                            132              8             32              38              21               7               1               1               9              13              92
 Papua New Guinea                   43             23             75              74              66              30x              6x              6x             43x             30               -
 Paraguay                           99              5              7              59              15               4               1               0              17              49              79
 Peru                               72             11             63              83              43               8               1               1              26              36              93
 Philippines                        88              9             33              52              18              28               -               6              30               7              15
 Poland                            149              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              10               -
 Portugal                          159              5              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              15               -
 Qatar                             132              -              -               -               -               6               -               2               8               -               -
 Romania                           114              7              -               -               -               6               1               3               8              10               -
 Russian Federation                115              6              -               -               -               3               1               4              13               -              30
 Rwanda                             21             17             90              68              85              27              11               9              42              26              95
 Saint Kitts and Nevis              93              9              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Saint Lucia                       109              8              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Saint Vincent/Grenadines          127              8              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Samoa                              76              6              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 San Marino                        171              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Sao Tome and Principe              59              7              -               -               -              16               5               5              26               -               -
 Saudi Arabia                      112              7              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Senegal                            36              4             16              69              50              22               -               7              23              12               9
 Seychelles                        138             10              -               -               -               6x              0x              2x              5x              -               -
 Sierra Leone                        2             11              -              94              41              29               -               9              35               7              75
 Singapore                         188              7              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Slovakia                          149              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Slovenia                          171              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Solomon Islands                   112             20              -               -               -              21x              4x              7x             27x              -               -
 Somalia                             9             16              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               7               -
 South Africa                       69              -              -               -               -               9               1               3              23               2              40
 Spain                             181              4              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              10               -
 Sri Lanka                         136             25             24              60              66              34               -              14              18              14              47
 Sudan                              41             15             14x             45x             44x             34              11              13              33              20               0
 Suriname                          103             13              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Swaziland                          52             10             37              51              20              10x              -               1x             30x              -              26
 Sweden                            188              5              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Switzerland                       181              5              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Syria                              99              7              -              50               -              13               4               9              21              73              40
 Tajikistan                         61              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              20              20
 Tanzania                           30             14             41              93              53              27               8               6              42              37              74
 TFYR Macedonia                    123              -              8               -               -               -               -               -               -              19             100
 Thailand                           92              6              4              71              27              19               -               6              16               4              50
 Togo                               35             20             15               -               -              19               4               -              34              22               1
 Tonga                             123              2              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Trinidad and Tobago               141             10             10x             39x             16x              7x              0x              4x              5x              -               -
 Tunisia                            99              8             12               -              16               9               -               4              23               4x             98
 Turkey                             81              8             14              17              14              10               3               -               -              36              18
 Turkmenistan                       59              5             54               -               -               -               -               -               -              20               0
 Tuvalu                             72              3              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Uganda                             31             13             70              64              40              26               7               5              38               7              69
 Ukraine                           118              -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              10               4
 United Arab Emirates              154              6              -              52               -              14               3              15              17               -               -
 United Kingdom                    163              7              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 United States                     159              7              -               -               -               1               0               1               2               -               -
 Uruguay                           127              8              -               -               -               5               1               1               8               -               -
 Uzbekistan                         70              -              4               -              35              19               5              12              31              18               0
 Vanuatu                            77              7              -               -               -              20x              -               -              19x              -               -
 Venezuela                         115              9              -               -               -               5               1               3              13              11              65
 Viet Nam                           86             17              -               -               -              41               9              14              44              20              65
 Yemen                              49             19              -               -              31              39              13               -              39              32              21
 Yugoslavia                        127              -              6              35              13               2               0               2               7               -              70
 Zambia                             12             13             27               -              43              24               5               4              42              51x             90
 Zimbabwe                           58             14             16              93              26              16               3               6              21              42              80

 Regional summaries

 Sub-Saharan Africa                                15             31              64              47              31              10               8              41              19              61
 Middle East and North Africa                      11             47              39              33              18               5               7              24              20              48
 South Asia                                        33             45              36              68              51              19              18              52              17              65
 East Asia and Pacific                             10             56              70               -              22               -               -              36              20              72
 Latin America and Caribbean                        9             39              45              23              10               1               3              19              11              89
 CEE/CIS and Baltic States                          7              -               -               -               8               2               5              16              22              25
 Industrialized countries                           6              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Developing countries                              18             44              48              51              31              12              11              38              18              68
 Least developed countries                         21             44              63              57              40              13              11              47              28              51
 World                                             17             44              48              51              29              11              10              36              18              66

 Countries in each region are listed in the Regional summaries country list.

Definitions of the indicators

Low birthweight  -- Less than 2,500 grams.

Underweight -- Moderate and severe -- below minus two
standard deviations from median weight for age of reference
population; severe -- below minus three standard deviations
from median weight for age of reference population.

Wasting -- Moderate and severe -- below minus two standard
deviations from median weight for height of reference

Stunting -- Moderate and severe -- below minus two standard
deviations from median height for age of reference

Total goitre rate -- Percentage of children aged 6-11 with
palpable or visible goitre. This is an indicator of iodine
deficiency, which causes brain damage and mental

Main data sources

Low birthweight -- World Health Organization (WHO) and

Breastfeeding -- Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), Multiple
Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), World Health Organization

Underweight, wasting and stunting -- Demographic and Health
Surveys (DHS), Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), World
Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF.

Salt iodization -- Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS)

Goitre rate -- World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF.

- Data not available.
x Indicates data that refer to years or periods other than
  those specified in column heading, differ from the standard
  definition, or refer to only part of a country.

Table 3: Health                                                                                                                               EPI vaccines
                                                           % of population                              % of population                       financed by 
                                                           with access to                                with access to                        government
                                 Under-5                      safe water                                adequate sanitation                     1995-97                          % fully immunized 1995-97                                       ORT
                                mortality                      1990-1997                                      1990-97                                                              1-year-old children                          pregnant       use rate
                                  rank           ************************************           *************************************                             ****************************************************           women           (%)
                                                 total          urban           rural           total           urban           rural             total           TB              DPT           polio          measles          tetanus        1990-97

 Afghanistan                         4             12              39               5               8              38               1               0             66              45              45              58               3              36
 Albania                            89              -               -               -               -               -               -               0             94              99              99              95              50               -
 Algeria                            90             78              91              64              91              99              80               -             94              79              79              74              52              98
 Andorra                           171              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              -              90              90              90               -               -
 Angola                              3             31              46              22              40              62              27               -             68              41              38              78              53               -
 Antigua and Barbuda               127              -               -               -              96               -               -             100              -             100             100              93               -               -
 Argentina                         118             71              77              29              68              73              37             100            100              86              92              92              63               -
 Armenia                           103              -               -               -               -               -               -               5             72              89              95              92               -              33
 Australia                         171              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              -              86               -              87               -               -
 Austria                           181              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              -              90              95              90               -               -
 Azerbaijan                         81              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             94              95              98              97               -               -
 Bahamas                           127             94              98              75              82              98               2             100              -              86              86              93              75x              -
 Bahrain                           126             94              94               -              97              97               -               -              -              98              98              95              56              39
 Bangladesh                         44             95              99              95              43              83              38              29             91              68              68              62              86              61
 Barbados                          148            100             100             100             100             100             100             100              -              96              96              92             100               -
 Belarus                           138              -               -               -               -               -               -             100             98              47              47              74               -               -
 Belgium                           163              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              -              62              72              64               -               -
 Belize                             86             83             100              69              57              23              87             100             95              86              85              98              88               -
 Benin                              23             56              46              71              27              57               8              15             89              78              78              82              73              33
 Bhutan                             39             58              75              54              70              90              66               0             92              87              87              84              70              85
 Bolivia                            51             63              86              32              58              74              37              65             93              82              82              98              75              41
 Bosnia and Herzegovina            142              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             97              79              80              85               -               -
 Botswana                           78             90             100              88              55              91              41             100             59              76              80              79              49              43
 Brazil                             84             76              88              25              70              80              30             100            100              71              84             100              45              54
 Brunei Darussalam                 154              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             99              99              99              98              76               -
 Bulgaria                          136              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             97              94              96              93               -               -
 Burkina Faso                       22             42              66              37              37              41              33             100             46              28              28              33              21             100
 Burundi                            17             52              92              49              51              60              50               -             71              60              60              50              33              38
 Cambodia                           23             30               -              25              19               -               9               0             82              70              70              68              31              57
 Cameroon                           50             50              57              43              50              64              36              27             53              44              47              43              32              43
 Canada                            163              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              -              93x             89x             98x              -               -
 Cape Verde                         65             51              70              34              24              40              10             100             80              78              77              82              55              83
 Central African Rep.               19             38              55              21              27              38              16              10             94              53              51              46              15             100
 Chad                               14             24              48              17              21              73               7             100             36              16              15              17              24              29
 Chile                             146             91              99              41               -              90               -             100             98              91              91              92               -               -
 China                              80             67              97              56              24              74               7             100             96              96              97              96              13              85
 Colombia                          103             85              97              56              85              97              56             100             98              84              85              76              57              53
 Comoros                            53             53              76              45              23              40              16               -             55              48              48              49              15              32
 Congo                              45             34              53               7              69               -               -               0             29              23              21              18              30              41
 Congo, Dem. Rep.                   11             42              89              26              18              53               6               -             91              71              73              63              80              90
 Cook Islands                      103             95             100              95              95               -               -              50             84              91              91              86              90               -
 Costa Rica                        144             96             100              92              84              95              70             100             91              91              93              99              90              31
 Cote d'Ivoire                      27             42              56              32              39              71              17             100             73              70              70              68              44              73
 Croatia                           157              -               -               -               -               -               -             100             98              92              92              91              91               5
 Cuba                              159             93              96              85              66              71              51              97             99             100              97             100              61x              -
 Cyprus                            157            100             100             100              97              96             100               -              -              98              98              90              57x              -
 Czech Rep.                        163              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             97              98              97              97               -               -
 Denmark                           171              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              -              89x            100x             84               -               -
 Djibouti                           26             90              77             100              55              64              24               -             58              49              49              47              47               -
 Dominica                          132             96              97              95              80              80              85             100            100             100             100             100               -               -
 Dominican Rep.                     75             65              80               -              78              76              83             100             88              80              79              80              77              39
 Ecuador                            90             68              80              49              76              95              49             100            100              76              77              75               3              64
 Egypt                              65             87              97              79              88              98              79             100             98              94              94              92              61              95
 El Salvador                        95             66              84              40              90              98              80             100             93              97              96              97              69              69
 Equatorial Guinea                  20             95              88             100              54              61              48               -             99              81              81              82              70               -
 Eritrea                            40             22              60               8              13              48               0              20             67              60              60              53              32              38
 Estonia                           144              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             99              85              86              88               -               -
 Ethiopia                           18             25              91              19              19              97               7               0             90              63              64              52              40              95
 Fiji                              118             77               -               -              92             100              85              50             95              86              88              75             100               -
 Finland                           188              -               -               -               -               -               -               -            100             100             100              98               -               -
 France                            181              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             83              96              97              97              83               -
 Gabon                              29             67              80              30               -              72               -               -             72              54              54              32               4              25
 Gambia                             55             69              80              65              37              83              23               0             99              96              98              91              86              99
 Georgia                           109              -               -               -               -               -               -               0             76              92              98              95               -              14
 Germany                           181              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              -              45              80              75              80               -
 Ghana                              47             65              88              52              55              62              44               4             72              60              61              59              87              93
 Greece                            159              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             70              85              95              90               -               -
 Grenada                           109              -               -               -               -               -               -             100              -              95              95              92              80               -
 Guatemala                          74             77              76              78              83              95              74             100             87              83              83              74              38              22
 Guinea                             13             46              69              36              31              54              19               -             69              53              53              56              45              31
 Guinea-Bissau                       7             43              32              67              46               -               -               0             82              63              60              51              46               -
 Guyana                             57             91              96              85              88              90              85             100             94              88              89              82              71               -
 Haiti                              34             37              50              28              25              49              17               0             40              35              32              30              38              31
 Holy See                            -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -               -               -
 Honduras                           81             76               -              62              74               -              57             100             98              94              93              89             100              32
 Hungary                           149              -               -               -               -               -               -               -            100             100             100             100               -               -
 Iceland                           181              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             98              98x             99              98               -               -
 India                              45             81              85              79              29              70              14             100             96              90              91              81              80              67
 Indonesia                          68             75              91              66              59              77              49             100            100              91              90              92              78              97
 Iran                               96             90              98              82              81              86              74             100             99              97              97              96              76              37
 Iraq                               37             81              96              48              75              93              31               0             97              92              92              98              56              67
 Ireland                           163              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              -               -              63x              -               -               -
 Israel                            171              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              -              92              93              94               -               -
 Italy                             171              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              -              92              93              94               -               -
 Jamaica                           149             86               -               -              89             100              80             100             97              90              90              88              82               -
 Japan                             171              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             91x            100              98              94               -               -
 Jordan                            118             98               -               -              77               -               -             100             24              96              96              90              40              41
 Kazakhstan                         84             93              99              84              99             100              98              37             99              97             100              92               -              31
 Kenya                              55             53              67              49              77              69              81               0             42              36              36              32              21              76
 Kiribati                           62              -              70              80               -              45              54             100            100              91              93              82              41               -
 Korea, Dem. People's Rep.         103             81               -               -               -               -               -               -             99             100             100             100              80               -
 Korea, Rep. of                    171             93             100              76             100             100             100               -             90              80              81              85               -               -
 Kuwait                            146              -               -               -               -             100x              -             100              -              96             100              95              21               -
 Kyrgyzstan                         79             71               -               -              94               -               -               -             99              95              95              85               -              98
 Lao People's Dem. Rep.             37             44               -               -              18               -               -               0             58              60              69              67              32              32
 Latvia                            132              -               -               -               -               -               -               -            100              75              76              97              64               -
 Lebanon                            93             94              96              88              63              81               8              75              -              92              92              89               -              82
 Lesotho                            31             62              91              57              38              56              35              25             46              50              48              43              10              84
 Liberia                             6             46              79              13              30              56               4               0             38              26              25              28              35              94
 Libya                             115             97              97              97              98              99              94               -             99              96              96              92              45x             49
 Liechtenstein                     163              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -               -               -
 Lithuania                         143              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             98              90              95              96               -               -
 Luxembourg                        163              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             58              94              98              91               -               -
 Madagascar                         25             26              68              12              40              68              30              10             64              46              45              39              35              23
 Malawi                              8             47              95              40               3              18               1               2            100              95              94              87              15              70
 Malaysia                          149             78              96              66              94              94              94             100            100              91              90              89              81               -
 Maldives                           64             60              98              50              44              98              26               6             99              97              97              96              96               -
 Mali                                5             66              87              55               6              12               3              65             76              74              52              56              32              29
 Malta                             154              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             96              84              92              51               -               -
 Marshall Islands                   54             82              82               -               -              88              57             100             94              78              71              52              15x              -
 Mauritania                         16             74              88              59              32              44              19               0             69              28              28              20              63              51
 Mauritius                         123             98              95             100             100             100             100             100             84              87              87              84              78               -
 Mexico                             96             85               -               -              72               -               -             100             99              95              95              91              70              81
 Micronesia, Fed. States of        118             22               -               -              39               -               -             100             48              75              75              74              44               -
 Moldova, Rep. of                  102             55              98              18              50              90               8              36             99              97              98              99               -               -
 Monaco                            181              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             90              99              99              98x              -               -
 Mongolia                           27             40              73               3              86              99              74               -             96              92              92              91               -               -
 Morocco                            67             65              98              34              58              94              24             100             94              95              95              92              42              29
 Mozambique                         10             63               -               -              54               -               -               0             79              59              55              57              68              49
 Myanmar                            42             60              78              50              43              56              36               0             94              90              90              88              83              96
 Namibia                            62             83             100              71              62              93              20             100             65              65              65              58              78             100
 Nauru                             103              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             78              50              36             100               -               -
 Nepal                              48             71              93              68              16              28              14              50             96              78              78              85              19              29
 Netherlands                       171              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              -              95              95              96               -               -
 New Zealand                       163             97             100              82               -               -               -               -             20x             86             100             100               -               -
 Nicaragua                          71             62              88              32              35              34              35             100            100              94             100              94              95              54
 Niger                               1             48              76              44              17              79               5              80             44              28              28              42              19              85
 Nigeria                            15             49              58              40              41              50              32             100             29              21              25              38              23              86
 Niue                                -            100               -               -             100             100             100              25            100             100             100             100              40               -
 Norway                            188              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              -              92x             92x             93x              -               -
 Oman                              138             85               -               -              78              90              57             100             96              99              99              98              98              61
 Pakistan                           33             79              89              73              56              93              39             100             90              74              74              74              57              97
 Palau                              98             88               -               -              98               -               -               -              0              91              90              83              55               -
 Panama                            132             93               -               -              83               -               -             100             99              95              99              92              24              94
 Papua New Guinea                   43             32              78              23              83              93              80              90             68              45              35              41              64               -
 Paraguay                           99             60               -               -              41              65              14              90             87              82              82              61              32              33
 Peru                               72             67              84              33              72              89              37              90             98              98              97              94              57              55
 Philippines                        88             84              93              80              75              89              63             100             82              70              67              72              46              87
 Poland                            149              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             94              95              95              91               -               -
 Portugal                          159              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             91              95              99              94               -               -
 Qatar                             132              -             100               -              97             100              85               -             99              92              92              87               -              71
 Romania                           114              -               -               -               -               -               -             100            100              97              97              97               -               -
 Russian Federation                115              -               -               -               -               -               -             100             99              96              98              91               -               -
 Rwanda                             21              -               -              79               -               -              85               -             79              77              77              66              43              47
 Saint Kitts and Nevis              93            100             100             100             100              98             100             100             99             100             100              97               -               -
 Saint Lucia                       109             85               -               -               -               -               -             100            100              98              98              95               -               -
 Saint Vincent/Grenadines          127             89             100              85              98             100             100             100             98             100             100             100               -               -
 Samoa                              76             68               -               -               -             100              95              30             99              99              99              99              96               -
 San Marino                        171              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             97x             98x            100x             96x              -               -
 Sao Tome and Principe              59             82               -               -              35               -               -               -             70              73              73              60              65              74
 Saudi Arabia                      112             95x            100x             74x             86x            100x             30x              -             99              92              92              87              60              58
 Senegal                            36             63              90              44              39              71              15             100             80              65              65              65              34              39
 Seychelles                        138              -               -               -               -               -               -              43            100              98              98             100             100               -
 Sierra Leone                        2             34              58              21              11              17               8               3             38              26              28              26              11               -
 Singapore                         188            100x            100x              -               -               -               -               -             98              93              94              89               -               -
 Slovakia                          149              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             90              98              98              98               -               -
 Slovenia                          171              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             98              91              98x             92               -               -
 Solomon Islands                   112              -              80              62               -              60               9              60             73              72              70              68              63               -
 Somalia                             9             26               -               -               -               -               -               0             37              19              19              25              30               -
 South Africa                       69             87              99              70              87              92              80             100             95              73              73              76              26               -
 Spain                             181              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              -              88              90              90x              -               -
 Sri Lanka                         136             57              88              52              63              68              62             100             96              97              98              94              89              34
 Sudan                              41             73               -               -              51               -               -              13             79              75              75              71              46              31
 Suriname                          103              -               -               -               -               -              43             100              -              85              81              78              99x              -
 Swaziland                          52             50               -               -              59               -               -               -             85              82              81              82              85              99
 Sweden                            188              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             12              99              99              96               -               -
 Switzerland                       181              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -               -               -
 Syria                              99             86              95              77              67              96              31             100            100              95              95              93              92              27
 Tajikistan                         61             60              82              49               -              46               -               -             99              95              92              95               -               -
 Tanzania                           30             66              92              58              86              98              83               0             82              74              73              69              27              50
 TFYR Macedonia                    123              -               -               -               -               -               -              14             97              97              97              98              91x              -
 Thailand                           92             81              88              73              96              97              94             100             98              94              94              91              88              95
 Togo                               35             55              82              41              41              76              22               0             53              33              33              38              65              94
 Tonga                             123             95               -               -              95               -               -              50            100              95              95              97              92               -
 Trinidad and Tobago               141             97              99              91              79              99              98             100              -              90              91              88              19x              -
 Tunisia                            99             98             100              95              80              96              52             100             93              96              96              92              80              41
 Turkey                             81             49              66              25              80              95              56             100             73              79              79              76              32             100
 Turkmenistan                       59             74               -               -              91               -               -              16             97              98              99             100               -              98
 Tuvalu                             72            100               -               -              78               -               -              70            100              77              78             100              53               -
 Uganda                             31             46              77              41              57              75              55              35             84              58              59              60              45              49
 Ukraine                           118              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             95              96              97              97               -               -
 United Arab Emirates              154             97               -               -              92               -               -              90             98              94              94              35               -              42
 United Kingdom                    163              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             99              95              96              95               -               -
 United States                     159              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              -              94x             84x             89x              -               -
 Uruguay                           127              -              95               -               -              98               -             100             99              88              88              80              13x              -
 Uzbekistan                         70             90              99              88             100             100              99              33             97              96              97              88               -              37
 Vanuatu                            77             77              96              67              28              72              18             100             60              66              62              59              15               -
 Venezuela                         115             79              80              75              58              64              30             100             89              60              76              68              72               -
 Viet Nam                           86             43              47              42              21              43              15              58             96              95              95              96              84               -
 Yemen                              49             61              88              55              24              47              17              42             54              40              46              43              17              92
 Yugoslavia                        127             76              98              57              69              92              49             100             87              94              95              94               -              99
 Zambia                             12             38              84              10              71              94              57              10             81              70              70              69              37              57
 Zimbabwe                           58             79              99              69              52              96              32             100             82              78              79              73              70              60

 Regional summaries

 Sub-Saharan Africa                                50              75              39              44              66              34              48             66              51              52              52              39              72
 Middle East and North Africa                      83              97              70              75              92              60              77             91              88              88              86              59              59
 South Asia                                        80              86              78              33              74              20              89             94              84              85              78              74              69
 East Asia and Pacific                             68              95              57              36              77              19              92             95              92              93              93              36              87
 Latin America and Caribbean                       77              87              42              71              81              44              96             96              82              87              89              57              58
 CEE/CIS and Baltic States                          -               -               -               -               -               -               -             92              91              92              89               -               -
 Industrialized countries                           -               -               -               -               -               -               -              -              90              89              90               -               -
 Developing countries                              71              89              62              44              78              25              82             88              80              81              79              52              73
 Least developed countries                         56              82              50              36              66              28              19             79              62              62              60              48              64
 World                                             72              90              62              44              78              25              82             89              81              82              80              52              73

 Countries in each region are listed in the Regional summaries country list.

Definitions of the indicators 

Government funding of vaccines -- Percentage of vaccines
routinely administered in a country to protect children
against TB, DPT, measles and polio that are financed by the
national government.

EPI -- Extended Programme on Immunization: The immunizations
in this programme include those against TB, DPT, polio and
measles, as well as protecting babies against neonatal
tetanus by vaccination of pregnant women. Other vaccines
(e.g. against hepatitis B or yellow fever) may be included
in the programme in some countries.

DPT -- Diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus.

ORT use -- Percentage of all cases of diarrhoea in children
under five years of age treated with oral rehydration salts
and/or recommended home fluids.

Main data sources

Access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation
facilities -- Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), Multiple
Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), World Health Organization

Government funding of vaccines -- UNICEF.

Immunization -- Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS),
Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), World Health
Organization (WHO) and UNICEF.

ORT use -- Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), Multiple
Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), World Health Organization

- Data not available.
x Indicates data that refer to years or periods other than
  those specified in the column heading, differ from the
  standard definition, or refer to only part of a country.

Table 4:  Education
                                                                                                                     No. of sets                                                                                 Net primary              % of primary         Secondary school
                                                               Adult literacy rate                                    per 1000                         Primary school enrolment ratio                              school                  school              enrolment ratio 
                                                                                                                     population                                                                                  attendance (%)            entrants                 1990-96   
                                  Under-5               1980                           1995                             1995                      1990-96 (gross)                 1993-95 (net)                   (1993-97)                reaching                (gross)
                                 mortality       **********************         **********************          *************************       ********************            ********************          *********************        grade 5           **********************
                                  rank           male            female         male            female          radio          television       male          female            male          female          male           female        1990-95           male            female

 Afghanistan                         4             33               6             47              15             122             10             64              32              42              15              36             11              43x             32              11
 Albania                            89              -               -              -               -             207            103            100             102              95              97               -              -              82              35              35
 Algeria                            90             55              24             74              49             238             89            112             100              99              91              95             90              95              66              59
 Andorra                           171              -               -              -               -             212            368              -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -
 Angola                              3             16x              7x            56x             29x             34              7             95              88               -               -               -              -              34               -               -
 Antigua and Barbuda               127              -               -              -               -             439            424              -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -
 Argentina                         118             94              94             96              96             676            219            114             113              95x             95x              -              -               -              73              81
 Armenia                           103              -               -            100              99               5            224             86              90               -               -               -              -               -              85              91
 Australia                         171              -               -              -               -            1304            495            108             108              98              98               -              -              99             147             146
 Austria                           181              -               -              -               -             620            497            101             101             100             100               -              -              99             107             102
 Azerbaijan                         81              -               -            100              99              20             33            100             108               -               -               -              -               -              76              80
 Bahamas                           127             98              96             99              98             735            229             95              94              92x             96x              -              -              78              88              91
 Bahrain                           126             80              60             89              79             575            467            107             109              99             100               -              -              94              95              99
 Bangladesh                         44             41              17             49              26              47              6             74              64              66x             58x             75             76              47              28              14
 Barbados                          148             97              94             98              97             900            284             90              91              78x             78x              -              -               -              90x             80x 
 Belarus                           138              -               -            100              99             285            227             98              95              97              94               -              -             100              92              96
 Belgium                           163             99x             99x             -               -             790            454            103             102              98              98               -              -               -             140             148
 Belize                             86              -               -             70x             70x            587            178            124             118             100              98               -              -              70              47              52
 Benin                              23             28              10             49              26              92              6             92              52              74              43              52             34              61              23              10
 Bhutan                             39             41              15             56              28              17              6             31x             19x              -               -               -              -              82               7x              2x 
 Bolivia                            51             81              59             91              76             672            115             99              90              95x             87x             90x            89x             60              40              34
 Bosnia and Herzegovina            142              -               -              -               -             235              -              -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -
 Botswana                           78             70              43             81              60             131             19            114             117              94              99               -              -              89              54              58
 Brazil                             84             76              73             83              83             399            220            100x             96x              -               -              93x            94x             71              31x             36x 
 Brunei Darussalam                 154             86              68             93              83             273            239            113             107              91              91               -              -              95              75              81
 Bulgaria                          136              -               -             99              98             471            378             98              96              98              96               -              -              95              78              77
 Burkina Faso                       22             19               4             30               9              28              6             46              30              37              24              38             28              79              11               6
 Burundi                            17             37              12             49              23              68              2             77              63              56x             48x              -              -              74               8               5
 Cambodia                           23             74x             23x            80x             53x            112              9            134             109               -               -               -              -              50              34              20
 Cameroon                           50             59              30             75              52             152             24             93              84              81x             71x             69x            60x             60              32              22
 Canada                            163              -               -              -               -            1053            714            103             101              96              94               -              -              99             106             105
 Cape Verde                         65             64              38             81              64             179              4            132             129             100             100               -              -              60x             28              26
 Central African Rep.               19             41              19             69              52              75              5             71              46              65x             43x             70             55              24              15               6
 Chad                               14             47              19             62              35             248              1             74              36              52x             23x              -              -              28              15               4
 Chile                             146             92              91             95              95             348            215            100              98              87              85               -              -              92              66              73
 China                              80             79              53             90              73             185            205            121             120              99              98              95             94              92              73              66
 Colombia                          103             87              87             91              91             564            117            115             114               -               -              90             91              58              62              72
 Comoros                            53             56              40             64              50             137              1             85              71              58              48              45x            42x             78              21              17
 Congo                              45             65              40             83              67             116              8            119             109              99x             93x              -              -              54              62              45
 Congo, Dem. Rep.                   11             75              45             87              68              98              2             86              59              71              50              59             53              64              32              19
 Cook Islands                      103              -               -              -              99x            705            184              -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -
 Costa Rica                        144             92              91             95              95             263            143            107             106              86x             87x              -              -              89              48              52
 Cote d'Ivoire                      27             34              14             50              30             153             62             79              58               -               -              59x            46x             73              30              15
 Croatia                           157              -               -             98              97             266            255             87              86              83              82               -              -              98              81              83
 Cuba                              159             91              87             96              95             351            228            107             103              99              99               -              -              94              78              82
 Cyprus                            157              -               -             98x             91x            309            322            100             100              96              96               -              -             100              96              99
 Czech Rep.                        163              -               -              -               -             638            482            103             102              98              98               -              -             100              94              97
 Denmark                           171              -               -              -               -            1034            574             98              99              98              99               -              -             100             116             120
 Djibouti                           26             45              18             60              33              80             43             44              33              37              28              73x            62x             94              15              11
 Dominica                          132              -               -              -               -             634             70              -               -               -               -               -              -              84               -               -
 Dominican Rep.                     75             75              74             82              82             176             93            103             104              79              83              91x            93x             58              34              47
 Ecuador                            90             86              79             92              88             332             96            109             108              91              92               -              -              77              50              50
 Egypt                              65             54              26             64              39             312            110            107              93              95              82              83             72              98              80              68
 El Salvador                        95             66              60             74              70             459            689             88              89              78              80               -              -              58              30              34
 Equatorial Guinea                  20             77              45             90              68             425             10              -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -
 Eritrea                            40              -               -              -               -              98              0             63              51              33              30              39x            35x             79              22              16
 Estonia                           144              -               -             98              98             491            383            110             108              93              94               -              -             100              82              90
 Ethiopia                           18             32              14             46              25             193              4             39              24              28              19               -              -              51              12              10
 Fiji                              118             87              79             94              89             612             18            128             127              99x            100x              -              -              87              64              65
 Finland                           188              -               -              -               -            1008            519            100             100              99              99               -              -             100             108             124
 France                            181             99x             98x             -               -             895            589            107             105              99              99               -              -              99             112             111
 Gabon                              29             54              28             74              53             181             47              -               -               -               -              87             86              50x              -               -
 Gambia                             55             37              13             53              25             164              3             78              67              64x             46x             51             43              87              28              15
 Georgia                           109              -               -            100              99             551            468             81              82              81              82               -              -              98              74              72
 Germany                           181              -               -              -               -             944            564            102             101             100             100               -              -             100             104             102
 Ghana                              47             59              31             76              54             231             92             83              70               -               -              70             69              80              45              29
 Greece                            159             93x             76x            98              95             430            220             98              98              91              91               -              -             100              99              90
 Grenada                           109              -               -              -               -             598            348              -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -
 Guatemala                          74             56              41             63              49              71             56             90              78               -               -              61x            55x              -              25              23
 Guinea                             13             34              11             50              22              44              9             63              34              36x             18x             39             26              80              18               6
 Guinea-Bissau                       7             53              26             68              43              42              -             81              47              58x             32x              -              -              20x             11x              4x 
 Guyana                             57             96              93             99              98             494             48             95              93              90              89               -              -              93              68              85
 Haiti                              34             36              29             48              42              53              5             58              54              25x             26x             68x            69x             47              23              22
 Holy See                            -              -               -              -               -               -              -              -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -
 Honduras                           81             64              61             73              73             409             88            110             112              89              91               -              -              60              29              37
 Hungary                           149             98x             98x            99              99             643            433             97              97              92              94               -              -              98              79              83
 Iceland                           181              -               -              -               -             799            353             99              95               -               -               -              -               -             104             102
 India                              45             55              25             66              38              81             51            110              90               -               -              75x            61x             62              59              38
 Indonesia                          68             78              58             90              78             149             66            117             112              99              95              91             92              90              52              44
 Iran                               96             61              37             78              59             228             63            103              96              85x             72x             99             93              90              76              62
 Iraq                               37             55              25             71              45             224             80             97              83              83x             74x             88             80              72              53              34
 Ireland                           163              -               -              -               -             649            409            104             103             100             100               -              -             100             111             117
 Israel                            171             93x             83x            98              94             489            290             96              96               -               -               -              -             100              84              89
 Italy                             171             95x             92x            99              98             822            446             99              97               -               -               -              -             100              87              88
 Jamaica                           149             73              81             81              89             438            162            110             109             100x            100x              -              -              96              62              70
 Japan                             171            100x             99x             -               -             916            684            102             102             100             100               -              -             100              98             100
 Jordan                            118             82              54             93              79             251             80             94              95              89x             89x             97x            97x             98              63x             62x 
 Kazakhstan                         84              -               -            100              99             384            256             96              96               -               -               -              -               -              82              83
 Kenya                              55             72              44             86              70              96             18             85              85              92x             89x             85x            83x             68              26              22
 Kiribati                           62              -               -              -              92x            212              9              -               -               -               -               -              -              90               -               -
 Korea, Dem. People's Rep.         103              -               -              -               -             136             48            108x            101x              -               -               -              -               -               -               -
 Korea, Rep. of                    171             97              90             99              97            1024            334            100             101              93              94               -              -             100             101             101
 Kuwait                            146             73              59             82              75             473            370             73              72              65              65               -              -              99              64              64
 Kyrgyzstan                         79              -               -             99              95             114             34            108             105              99              95              86x            87x             92              76              85
 Lao People's Dem. Rep.             37             56              28             69              44             129              9            123              91              75              61              70             67              53              31              19
 Latvia                            132              -               -            100             100             678            477             91              86              86              82               -              -              96              83              87
 Lebanon                            93             91              82             95              90             891            366            111             108               -               -               -              -               -              77              84
 Lesotho                            31             71              45             81              62              37             12             92             105              60              71              71x            79x             79              22              34
 Liberia                             6             38              11             54              22             318             26             51x             28x              -               -              59x            53x              -               -               -
 Libya                             115             73              31             88              63             231            102            110             110              98x             96x              -              -               -              95              95
 Liechtenstein                     163              -               -            100x            100x            665            339              -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -
 Lithuania                         143              -               -            100              99             401            415             97              95               -               -               -              -              98              83              86
 Luxembourg                        163              -               -              -               -             639            381             88              94              80x             82x              -              -               -              72              76
 Madagascar                         25             56x             43x            60              32             192             20             73              70              64x             63x             62x            61x             28              14              14
 Malawi                              8             64              28             72              42             256              -            142             128             100             100              83             83              94               7               4
 Malaysia                          149             80              60             89              78             432            164             92              92              91              92               -              -              94              56              61
 Maldives                           64             91              89             93              93             118             26            136             132               -               -               -              -              93              49              49
 Mali                                5             20               9             39              23              46              2             41              27              30              19              45             36              72              12               6
 Malta                             154              -               -             91              92             545            749            111             105             100              99               -              -              97              93              86
 Marshall Islands                   54              -               -              -              90x              -              -              -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -
 Mauritania                         16             41              19             50              26             150             25             85              72              64              55              55             53              63              19              11
 Mauritius                         123             82              67             87              79             367            222            107             106              96              96               -              -              99              60              64
 Mexico                             96             86              80             92              87             263            219            116             113               -               -               -              -              84              58              59
 Micronesia, Fed. States of        118              -               -              -              79x              -              -              -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -
 Moldova, Rep. of                  102              -               -             98              99             699            273             95              93               -               -               -              -              93              78              81
 Monaco                            181              -               -              -               -            1019            750              -               -               -               -               -              -              98               -               -
 Mongolia                           27             82              63             89              77             134             45             87              90              78              81               -              -               -              50              68
 Morocco                            67             42              16             57              31             226             94             94              71              81              62              61x            45x             78              44              33
 Mozambique                         10             44              12             58              23              38              4             70              50              45              35              54x            50x             47               9               5
 Myanmar                            42             86              68             89              78              89              5            105             102               -               -              85             85               -              29              30
 Namibia                            62              -               -             78x             74x            140             25            132             134              86x             93x             74x            79x             82              57              67
 Nauru                             103              -               -              -               -             580              -              -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -
 Nepal                              48             31               7             41              14              36              5            129              89              80x             41x             80             60              52              49              25
 Netherlands                       171              -               -              -               -             937            497            108             106              99              99               -              -               -             143             136
 New Zealand                       163              -               -              -               -             997            514            105             104             100             100               -              -              96             118             116
 Nicaragua                          71             61              61             65              67             280             73            109             112              82              85               -              -              54              43              50
 Niger                               1             14               3             21               7              68             11             36              22              32x             18x             34x            19x             77               9               4
 Nigeria                            15             47              23             67              47             197             55            100              79               -               -              60             58              80              33              28
 Niue                                -              -               -              -              99x            564              -              -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -
 Norway                            188              -               -              -               -             808            433             99              99              99              99               -              -             100             119             113
 Oman                              138              -               -             71x             46x            580            657             82              78              72              70               -              -              96              68              64
 Pakistan                           33             38              15             50              24              92             20            101              45               -               -              71             62              48              33              17
 Palau                              98              -               -              -              97x              -              -              -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -
 Panama                            132             86              85             91              90             228            175            108             104              91x             92x              -              -              82              60              65
 Papua New Guinea                   43             70              45             81              63              77              4             87              74              79x             67x             32x            31x             59              17              11
 Paraguay                           99             90              84             94              91             180             93            110             107              89              89              93x            93x             71              38              39
 Peru                               72             89              71             95              83             259            106            125             121              91              90              87x            87x              -              72              67
 Philippines                        88             91              89             95              94             147             49            110             112              97x             96x             89             91              70              64x             65x 
 Poland                            149             99x             97x             -               -             454            311             99              98              97              96               -              -              98              95              96
 Portugal                          159             78x             65x            92              87             245            326            131             124             100             100               -              -               -              98             106
 Qatar                             132             72              65             79              80             438            401             88              84              81              80               -              -              95              82              82
 Romania                           114             98x             93x            99              97             211            220            101              99              92              92               -              -              99              77              78
 Russian Federation                115              -               -            100              99             340            377            108             107             100             100               -              -               -              84              91
 Rwanda                             21             55              30             70              52             101              -             83              81              76x             76x             61x            61x             60              12               9
 Saint Kitts and Nevis              93              -               -              -               -             668            244              -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -
 Saint Lucia                       109              -               -              -               -             765            211              -               -               -               -               -              -              95               -               -
 Saint Vincent/Grenadines          127              -               -              -               -             670            158              -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -
 Samoa                              76              -               -              -              98x            485             41            117             115             100              99               -              -               -              44              50
 San Marino                        171              -               -              -               -             600            360              -               -               -               -               -              -             100               -               -
 Sao Tome and Principe              59              -               -              -               -             271            162              -               -               -               -               -              -               -               -               -
 Saudi Arabia                      112             60              32             72              50             291            257             79              76              63              61               -              -              94              62              54
 Senegal                            36             31              12             43              23             120             38             76              62              60              48              48             42              81              20              12
 Seychelles                        138              -               -             83x             86x            548            137              -               -               -               -               -              -              97               -               -
 Sierra Leone                        2             30               9             45              18             250             12             59              41               -               -               -              -               -              22              13
 Singapore                         188             92              74             96              86             601            361            110x            106x            100x            100x              -              -             100              58x             60x 
 Slovakia                          149              -               -              -               -             570            476            100             100               -               -               -              -              97              89              93
 Slovenia                          171              -               -            100x             99x            384            327            103             103             100              99               -              -              98              90              92
 Solomon Islands                   112              -               -              -              56x            122              6            104              90               -               -               -              -              81              21              14
 Somalia                             9              8x              1x            36x             14x             42             13             15x              8x             11x              6x             21x            13x              -               -               -
 South Africa                       69             77              75             82              82             316            109            118             116              95              96               -              -              65              77              92
 Spain                             181             94x             86x            98              96             314            404            105             105             100             100               -              -              98             112             123
 Sri Lanka                         136             91              80             93              87             206             51            114             112               -               -               -              -              98              71              78
 Sudan                              41             43              17             58              35             270             84             59              48               -               -              59x            52x             94              14              12
 Suriname                          103             92              84             95              91             679            141            129x            125x              -               -               -              -              99              50x             58x 
 Swaziland                          52             64              57             78              76             163             21            125             119              95              96               -              -              78              53              51
 Sweden                            188              -               -              -               -             882            478            104             105             100             100               -              -              98             130             133
 Switzerland                       181              -               -              -               -             851            419            108             107             100             100               -              -             100              94              88
 Syria                              99             72              34             86              56             264             67            106              95              95              87              98             95              91              47              40
 Tajikistan                         61              -               -            100             100               -              -             91              88               -               -               -              -               -              86              77
 Tanzania                           30             66              34             79              57             276              2             68              66              47              48              61x            68x             83               6               5
 TFYR Macedonia                    123              -               -              -               -             183            167             90              87              86              84               -              -              99              56              57
 Thailand                           92             92              84             96              92             189            189             99              96               -               -               -              -              88              38              37
 Togo                               35             49              18             67              37             215             12            147             118              98              72               -              -              71              41              14
 Tonga                             123              -               -              -              99x            571             16              -               -               -               -               -              -              92               -               -
 Trinidad and Tobago               141             97              93             99              97             505            322             91             102              83              94               -              -              95              66              79
 Tunisia                            99             61              32             79              55             200             89            119             112              98              95               -              -              92              63              59
 Turkey                             81             81              50             92              72             164            189            107             102              98              94              74             71              89              67              45
 Turkmenistan                       59              -               -             99x             97x             81            180              -               -               -               -              81x            80x              -               -               -
 Tuvalu                             72              -               -              -               -             320              -              -               -               -               -               -              -              96               -               -
 Uganda                             31             62              32             74              50             117             13             79              67              58x             51x             65x            63x             55              15               9
 Ukraine                           118              -               -             98              99             856            339             87              86               -               -               -              -               -              88              94
 United Arab Emirates              154             72              64             79              80             271            104             97              93              84              82               -              -              98              74              81
 United Kingdom                    163              -               -              -               -            1433            448            114             115             100             100               -              -               -             123             145
 United States                     159             99x             99              -               -            2093            805            103             102              96              97               -              -              99              97              98
 Uruguay                           127             94              95             97              98             609            235            112             110              95              95               -              -              94              74              89
 Uzbekistan                         70              -               -            100             100              81            191             78              76               -               -               -              -               -              99              87
 Vanuatu                            77              -               -              -              60x            296             13            105             107              76x             72x              -              -              61              23              18
 Venezuela                         115             86              82             92              90             458            169             93              96              87x             90x              -              -              78              29              41
 Viet Nam                           86             90              78             97              91             106             43            111x            106x              -               -               -              -               -              44x             41x 
 Yemen                              49             14x              3             53x             26x             43             28            113              45               -               -              73x            39x              -              36               8
 Yugoslavia                        127              -               -             99              97             141            190             71              72              69x             70x              -              -             100              64              67
 Zambia                             12             65              43             86              71              99             32             92              86              76              75              74             74              84              34              21
 Zimbabwe                           58             83              68             90              80              89             29            117             114               -               -              91             90              76              49              39

 Regional summaries

 Sub-Saharan Africa                                51              30             66              47             164             31             82              67              60              51              61             57              67              28              23
 Middle East and North Africa                      55              27             70              47             256            103             99              85              88              77              85             76              91              62              51
 South Asia                                        52              24             63              36              81             42            105              80               -               -              74             62              59              52              33
 East Asia and Pacific                             80              58             91              76             197            169            117             115              98              97              94             93              90              65              59
 Latin America and Caribbean                       82              77             88              85             383            190            106             103              87              87              89             90              74              47              51
 CEE/CIS and Baltic States                          -               -             98              95             370            303             99              97              97              96               -              -               -              82              81
 Industrialized countries                          98              96              -               -            1288            625            104             103              98              98               -              -              99             104             107
 Developing countries                              68              46             79              62             184            115            105              93              86              81              81             75              75              54              45
 Least developed countries                         47              24             59              38             113             11             76              60              56              44              64             59              58              23              14
 World                                             74              56             81              66             358            202            104              94              88              84              81             75              78              61              53

 Countries in each region are listed in the Regional summaries country list.

Definitions of the indicators

Adult literacy rate -- Percentage of persons aged 15 and
over who can read and write. 

Gross primary or secondary school enrolment ratio -- The
number of children enrolled in a level (primary or
secondary), regardless of age, divided by the population of
the age group which officially corresponds to the same

Net primary school attendance ratio -- The number of children
enrolled in primary school, who belong to the age group that
officially corresponds to primary schooling, divided by the
total population of the same age group.

Net primary school attendance -- Percentage of children in
the age group that officially corresponds to primary
schooling who attend primary school. These data come from 
national household surveys. While both the attendance and
enrolment data should report on children going to primary
school, the number of children of primary school age is
uncertain for many countries, and this can lead to
significant biases in the enrolment ratio.

Primary school entrants reaching grade five -- Percentage of
the children entering the first grade of primary school who
eventually reach grade five.

Main data sources

Adult literacy -- United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 

Radio and television -- United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Primary and secondary school enrolment -- United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Net primary school attendance -- Demographic and Health
Surveys (DHS) and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS).

Gross school enrolment and reaching grade five -- United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

- Data not available.
x Indicates data that refer to years or periods other than
those specified in the column heading, differ from the
standard definition, or refer to only part of a country.

Table 5: Demographic indicators
                                                    Population                     Population                                                                                                                                             annual
                                                    (thousands)                     annual                                                                                                                                              growth rate
                                                       1997                       growth rate                       Crude                         Crude                         Life                   Total          % of               of urban
                                  Under-5       ********************                  (%)                         death rate                    birth rate                    expectancy             fertility     population           population (%)
                                 mortality      under          under         **********************           *******************           *******************           *******************          rate         urbanized      **********************
                                   rank          18              5           1970-90        1990-97           1970           1997           1970           1997           1970           1997          1997           1997         1970-90        1990-97

 Afghanistan                         4          10240           4055            0.4            5.8             27             21             52             53             37             45            6.9             21            2.9            7.6
 Albania                            89           1242            358            2.2            0.6              8              6             33             22             67             71            2.6             38            2.7            1.5
 Algeria                            90          13284           3964            3.0            2.4             16              6             49             29             53             69            3.9             57            4.3            3.8
 Andorra                           171             15              4            5.3            5.0              -              -              -              -              -              -              -             95            5.0            5.1
 Angola                              3           6259           2250            2.5            3.2             27             19             49             48             37             47            6.7             32            5.6            5.6
 Antigua and Barbuda               127             24              7            0.6            0.7              -              5             26             17             67             75            1.7             36            1.0            0.6
 Argentina                         118          12155           3454            1.5            1.3              9              8             23             20             67             73            2.6             89            2.0            1.7
 Armenia                           103           1191            267            1.7            0.4              6              7             24             14             72             71            1.7             69            2.3            0.7
 Australia                         171           4633           1316            1.5            1.1              9              7             20             14             71             78            1.9             85            1.5            1.0
 Austria                           181           1728            457            0.2            0.8             13             10             15             10             70             77            1.4             64            0.1            0.8
 Azerbaijan                         81           2820            767            1.6            1.0              7              7             29             20             68             71            2.3             56            2.1            1.4
 Bahamas                           127             96             24            2.0            1.7              7              5             27             18             66             74            2.0             87            2.8            2.3
 Bahrain                           126            210             64            4.0            2.5              9              4             40             21             62             73            3.0             91            4.5            3.0
 Bangladesh                         44          57167          13552            2.5            1.5             21             10             48             27             44             58            3.2             20            6.1            4.7
 Barbados                          148             72             19            0.4            0.3              9              9             22             14             69             76            1.7             48            1.3            1.4
 Belarus                           138           2606            557            0.6            0.1              9             12             17             10             71             70            1.4             72            2.7            1.2
 Belgium                           163           2161            588            0.2            0.3             12             11             15             11             71             77            1.6             97            0.3            0.4
 Belize                             86            108             34            2.1            2.6              8              4             40             32             66             75            3.7             46            1.7            2.2
 Benin                              23           3126           1039            2.7            2.9             25             13             53             42             43             55            5.9             40            6.4            5.0
 Bhutan                             39            914            316            2.3            1.8             23             14             43             41             40             53            5.9              7            4.9            5.2
 Bolivia                            51           3625           1175            2.2            2.4             20              9             45             33             46             61            4.4             62            3.8            4.1
 Bosnia and Herzegovina            142            952            207            0.9           -1.9              7              7             23             11             66             73            1.4             43            2.8           -0.6
 Botswana                           78            758            240            3.5            2.5             15             13             50             35             52             51            4.5             66           11.4            9.1
 Brazil                             84          59851          15491            2.2            1.4             10              7             35             20             59             67            2.2             80            3.6            2.3
 Brunei Darussalam                 154            119             35            3.4            2.5              7              3             36             22             67             75            2.7             70            3.7            3.5
 Bulgaria                          136           1860            427            0.1           -0.5              9             13             16             10             71             71            1.5             69            1.4            0.0
 Burkina Faso                       22           5985           2101            2.6            2.8             25             18             53             46             40             46            6.6             17            6.9            6.1
 Burundi                            17           3373           1145            2.2            2.2             20             17             44             43             44             47            6.3              8            7.0            6.0
 Cambodia                           23           4974           1571            1.1            2.7             21             12             42             34             43             54            4.5             22            3.1            5.8
 Cameroon                           50           7053           2377            2.8            2.8             21             12             45             39             44             56            5.3             47            6.2            4.9
 Canada                            163           7186           1952            1.3            1.1              7              7             17             12             73             79            1.6             77            1.4            1.1
 Cape Verde                         65            193             60            1.2            2.5             12              7             41             32             57             67            3.6             58            5.3            6.4
 Central African Rep.               19           1657            545            2.3            2.2             22             16             43             38             42             49            5.0             40            3.4            3.1
 Chad                               14           3327           1151            2.1            2.7             26             17             45             42             38             48            5.5             23            5.0            3.9
 Chile                             146           5005           1461            1.6            1.6             10              6             30             20             62             75            2.5             84            2.1            1.7
 China                              80         378704         100050            1.6            1.1              9              7             33             16             61             70            1.8             32            3.7            3.9
 Colombia                          103          14744           4293            2.1            1.8              9              6             37             24             61             71            2.7             74            3.1            2.5
 Comoros                            53            345            115            3.2            3.1             19             10             50             41             47             57            5.6             32            5.1            4.9
 Congo                              45           1433            500            2.8            3.0             20             15             46             43             46             51            5.9             60            5.3            4.7
 Congo, Dem. Rep.                   11          25934           9270            3.1            3.6             20             14             48             45             45             53            6.3             29            2.7            4.3
 Cook Islands                      103              8              2           -0.8            1.5              -              -              -              -              -              -              -             60            0.0            1.2
 Costa Rica                        144           1441            423            2.8            2.3              7              4             35             24             67             77            3.0             50            3.6            3.3
 Cote d'Ivoire                      27           7307           2268            3.8            2.9             20             14             52             37             44             51            5.2             45            5.7            4.3
 Croatia                           157           1018            243            0.4           -0.1             10             12             15             11             69             72            1.6             57            1.9            0.6
 Cuba                              159           2862            760            1.1            0.6              7              7             29             13             70             76            1.6             77            2.1            1.2
 Cyprus                            157            228             63            0.5            1.7             10              8             20             16             71             78            2.3             55            1.7            2.7
 Czech Rep.                        163           2342            580            0.2           -0.1             13             12             16             11             70             73            1.4             66            1.4            0.1
 Denmark                           171           1116            343            0.2            0.3             10             12             16             13             73             76            1.8             85            0.5            0.4
 Djibouti                           26            298             99            6.3            2.9             23             15             48             39             40             50            5.4             83            7.5            3.4
 Dominica                          132             25              7            0.1            0.0             11              8             26             19              -             74            2.3             69            1.9            0.3
 Dominican Rep.                     75           3275            951            2.4            1.9             11              5             42             24             58             71            2.8             63            4.2            3.0
 Ecuador                            90           5006           1460            2.7            2.2             12              6             42             26             58             70            3.1             60            4.4            3.5
 Egypt                              65          28017           7817            2.3            1.9             17              7             40             26             51             66            3.4             45            2.5            2.3
 El Salvador                        95           2579            781            1.7            2.3             12              6             44             28             57             69            3.1             46            2.2            2.9
 Equatorial Guinea                  20            208             72            1.0            2.5             25             16             42             41             40             50            5.5             45            2.4            5.8
 Eritrea                            40           1713            584            2.3            2.4             21             15             47             40             43             51            5.4             18            4.0            4.2
 Estonia                           144            347             69            0.7           -1.1             11             13             15              9             70             69            1.3             74            1.2           -0.7
 Ethiopia                           18          31741          11663            2.6            3.2             24             16             50             48             40             50            7.0             16            4.8            6.1
 Fiji                              118            325             88            1.7            1.5              7              5             35             23             64             72            2.8             41            2.3            2.3
 Finland                           188           1166            322            0.4            0.4             10             10             15             12             70             77            1.8             64            1.4            1.0
 France                            181          13414           3517            0.6            0.5             11              9             17             12             72             79            1.6             75            0.8            0.6
 Gabon                              29            505            175            3.1            2.8             21             14             32             37             44             55            5.4             52            6.0            5.1
 Gambia                             55            549            192            3.4            3.4             28             18             49             40             36             47            5.2             30            6.1            5.8
 Georgia                           109           1510            392            0.7           -0.1             10              9             19             14             68             73            1.9             59            1.6            0.7
 Germany                           181          15826           3939            0.1            0.5             12             11             14              9             71             77            1.3             87            0.4            0.7
 Ghana                              47           9340           3046            2.8            2.9             17             11             46             38             49             58            5.3             37            3.6            4.1
 Greece                            159           2125            517            0.8            0.4              8             10             17             10             72             78            1.4             60            1.3            0.6
 Grenada                           109             33             10           -0.2            0.3              -              8              -             21              -              -              -             37            0.2            1.3
 Guatemala                          74           5691           1859            2.8            2.9             15              7             45             37             52             67            4.9             40            3.1            3.5
 Guinea                             13           4080           1473            1.9            4.0             28             19             52             48             37             46            6.6             30            5.0            6.4
 Guinea-Bissau                       7            534            183            3.0            2.0             27             21             41             41             36             44            5.5             23            4.5            3.8
 Guyana                             57            315             91            0.6            0.9             11              7             38             22             60             64            2.3             37            1.2            2.3
 Haiti                              34           3452           1106            1.8            1.9             19             13             39             34             47             54            4.6             33            3.7            3.9
 Holy See                            -              -              -              -              -              -              -              -              -              -              -              -            100              -              -
 Honduras                           81           2983            950            3.2            2.9             15              5             48             34             53             70            4.4             45            4.9            4.4
 Hungary                           149           2189            543            0.0           -0.5             11             15             15             10             69             69            1.4             65            1.2            0.2
 Iceland                           181             78             23            1.1            1.0              7              7             22             17             74             79            2.2             92            1.4            1.2
 India                              45         385784         111294            2.1            1.7             17              9             39             25             49             62            3.1             27            3.4            2.8
 Indonesia                          68          77903          22016            2.1            1.5             18              8             40             23             48             65            2.7             37            5.0            4.4
 Iran                               96          36399          11413            3.7            2.7             16              6             45             34             55             69            4.8             60            5.1            3.6
 Iraq                               37          10342           3231            3.3            2.3             16              9             48             37             55             62            5.3             76            4.5            3.1
 Ireland                           163           1015            237            0.9            0.2             11              9             22             13             71             77            1.8             58            1.3            0.5
 Israel                            171           1973            575            2.2            3.1              7              6             26             20             71             78            2.8             90            2.6            3.1
 Italy                             171          10312           2663            0.3            0.1             10             10             17              9             72             78            1.2             67            0.5            0.1
 Jamaica                           149            923            279            1.2            0.9              8              6             35             22             67             75            2.5             55            2.3            1.8
 Japan                             171          24335           6239            0.8            0.2              7              8             19             10             72             80            1.5             78            1.3            0.4
 Jordan                            118           2876            989            3.1            4.3             18              5             51             38             54             70            5.2             72            4.6            5.2
 Kazakhstan                         84           5827           1489            1.2            0.1              9              8             26             18             64             68            2.3             61            1.9            0.8
 Kenya                              55          14914           4497            3.6            2.7             18             11             53             37             50             54            4.9             31            7.8            6.1
 Kiribati                           62             37             12            1.8            1.7             10              9             37             32             49             60            4.4             37            3.3            2.6
 Korea, Dem. People's Rep.         103           7125           2355            1.8            1.6             10              6             40             21             60             72            2.1             62            2.3            2.1
 Korea, Rep. of                    171          12533           3400            1.5            0.9             10              6             30             15             60             72            1.7             83            4.5            2.6
 Kuwait                            146            759            185            5.3           -3.1              6              2             47             22             66             76            2.8            100            6.3           -2.3
 Kyrgyzstan                         79           1898            553            2.0            0.3             11              7             31             26             62             68            3.2             39            2.1            0.7
 Lao People's Dem. Rep.             37           2667            949            2.2            3.0             23             14             44             44             40             53            6.7             22            5.3            5.8
 Latvia                            132            594            126            0.6           -1.2             11             14             14             10             70             68            1.4             74            1.3           -0.7
 Lebanon                            93           1240            377            0.2            3.0             11              6             35             24             64             70            2.8             88            1.9            3.6
 Lesotho                            31           1031            332            2.6            2.5             20             11             43             36             48             59            4.9             26            6.8            6.1
 Liberia                             6           1224            404            3.1           -0.6             21             17             49             48             46             50            6.4             48            5.5            1.4
 Libya                             115           2988           1015            4.1            3.4             16              7             49             40             52             65            6.0             87            7.1            4.3
 Liechtenstein                     163              7              2            1.6            1.4              -              -              -              -              -              -              -             19            2.0            0.0
 Lithuania                         143            942            218            0.9           -0.1              9             12             17             11             71             70            1.5             73            2.5            0.8
 Luxembourg                        163             89             26            0.6            1.3             12             10             13             13             70             76            1.8             90            1.8            1.8
 Madagascar                         25           8428           2823            3.1            3.2             19             10             47             41             45             58            5.7             28            5.6            5.7
 Malawi                              8           5390           1897            3.6            1.1             25             22             56             48             40             41            6.7             14            7.0            4.0
 Malaysia                          149           9055           2660            2.5            2.3             10              5             37             26             61             72            3.3             55            4.5            3.8
 Maldives                           64            145             49            2.9            3.3             17              8             40             42             50             64            6.8             27            6.3            4.2
 Mali                                5           6182           2230            2.6            3.1             26             17             51             48             38             48            6.7             28            5.1            5.6
 Malta                             154             97             26            0.8            0.7              9              8             17             14             70             77            2.1             90            1.4            1.0
 Marshall Islands                   54             27              9            3.0            3.6              -              4              -             26              -              -              -             71            3.1            4.8
 Mauritania                         16           1179            388            2.5            2.5             22             13             45             38             43             53            5.1             54            8.3            5.7
 Mauritius                         123            376            111            1.2            1.1              7              7             29             19             62             71            2.3             41            1.0            1.2
 Mexico                             96          38677          11235            2.5            1.8             10              5             44             25             61             72            2.8             74            3.5            2.0
 Micronesia, Fed. States of        118             60             19            2.9            2.6              -              7              -             29             58             66            4.1             28            3.1            4.0
 Moldova, Rep. of                  102           1362            314            1.0            0.3             10             11             19             14             65             68            1.8             53            3.0            1.8
 Monaco                            181              7              2            1.1            0.9              -              -              -              -              -              -              -            100            1.1            1.4
 Mongolia                           27           1146            318            2.8            2.1             14              7             42             28             53             66            3.3             62            4.1            3.1
 Morocco                            67          11565           3367            2.3            1.9             17              7             47             26             52             66            3.2             53            3.9            3.4
 Mozambique                         10           9361           3250            2.1            3.6             22             18             46             43             42             47            6.1             36            9.8            8.1
 Myanmar                            42          19253           5737            2.1            1.8             17             10             40             27             49             60            3.3             27            2.5            2.9
 Namibia                            62            784            256            2.7            2.5             18             12             43             36             48             56            4.9             38            5.2            5.4
 Nauru                             103              5              2            2.6            1.4              -              -              -              -              -              -              -            100            2.6            1.4
 Nepal                              48          11142           3638            2.5            2.6             22             11             45             37             42             57            5.0             11            6.7            5.6
 Netherlands                       171           3410            968            0.7            0.7              8              9             17             12             74             78            1.6             89            0.8            0.7
 New Zealand                       163            996            289            0.9            1.1              9              8             22             16             72             77            2.0             86            1.1            1.4
 Nicaragua                          71           2164            671            2.8            2.8             14              6             48             34             54             68            3.9             63            3.9            3.7
 Niger                               1           5382           1988            3.1            3.4             26             17             58             50             38             48            7.1             19            6.3            5.9
 Nigeria                            15          61393          21437            2.8            3.0             21             14             46             43             43             52            6.0             42            5.6            5.4
 Niue                                -              1              0              -              -              -              -              -              -              -              -              -             50              -              -
 Norway                            188           1008            297            0.4            0.4             10             11             17             13             74             78            1.9             74            1.0            0.6
 Oman                              138           1290            466            4.5            4.2             21              4             50             44             47             71            7.2             80           13.0            7.8
 Pakistan                           33          70052          23084            3.0            2.7             19              8             48             36             49             64            5.1             36            4.2            4.3
 Palau                              98              8              2            2.0            1.8              -              -              -              -              -              -              -             71            3.0            1.2
 Panama                            132           1046            304            2.3            1.8              8              5             37             23             65             74            2.7             57            2.9            2.5
 Papua New Guinea                   43           2052            649            2.3            2.3             18             10             42             32             46             58            4.7             17            4.4            3.8
 Paraguay                           99           2411            750            2.9            2.7              9              5             37             32             66             70            4.2             54            4.3            4.2
 Peru                               72          10113           2901            2.5            1.7             14              6             42             25             54             68            3.0             72            3.4            2.3
 Philippines                        88          31331           9657            2.4            2.2             10              6             39             29             57             68            3.7             56            4.4            4.1
 Poland                            149          10370           2360            0.8            0.2              8             11             17             12             70             71            1.7             64            1.6            0.8
 Portugal                          159           2103            555            0.4           -0.1             11             11             20             11             67             75            1.5             37            1.7            1.2
 Qatar                             132            178             50            7.4            2.3             13              4             34             18             61             72            3.8             92            7.9            2.6
 Romania                           114           5505           1175            0.7           -0.4              9             12             20             11             69             70            1.4             57            1.9            0.5
 Russian Federation                115          36309           7112            0.6           -0.1              9             14             15             10             69             65            1.4             77            1.5            0.4
 Rwanda                             21           3115           1025            3.1           -2.4             21             22             53             43             44             40            6.1              6            5.7           -0.2
 Saint Kitts and Nevis              93             14              4           -0.6           -0.3             11             11             26             20              -             70            2.4             34           -0.3           -1.0
 Saint Lucia                       109             51             15            1.4            1.3              -              6             41             24             62             70            2.6             38            1.0            1.4
 Saint Vincent/Grenadines          127             40             12            1.0            0.9              -              6              -             21             63             73            2.2             51            6.0            4.3
 Samoa                              76             75             20            0.5            0.7             12              6             44             27             57             69            3.8             21            0.8            0.8
 San Marino                        171              5              1            1.2            1.8              -              -              -              -              -              -              -             96            3.2            2.5
 Sao Tome and Principe              59             73             26            2.4            2.1              -              9              -             35              -             64            4.7             44            5.0            4.0
 Saudi Arabia                      112           9303           3068            5.1            2.8             18              4             48             34             52             71            5.9             85            7.5            3.8
 Senegal                            36           4459           1500            2.8            2.6             25             15             49             41             39             51            5.7             45            3.8            4.2
 Seychelles                        138             40             14            1.4            1.0              -              7              -             21              -             71            2.4             56            4.6            2.6
 Sierra Leone                        2           2230            785            2.0            1.5             30             26             49             47             34             37            6.1             35            4.7            3.7
 Singapore                         188            905            292            1.9            1.9              5              5             23             16             69             77            1.8            100            1.9            1.8
 Slovakia                          149           1435            336            0.7            0.3             10             11             19             12             70             71            1.5             60            2.3            1.0
 Slovenia                          171            414             91            0.7            0.0             10             11             17             10             70             73            1.3             52            2.2            0.4
 Solomon Islands                   112            204             67            3.4            3.3             10              4             46             36             60             71            5.0             18            6.1            6.3
 Somalia                             9           5533           2027            2.9            2.4             24             17             50             50             40             49            7.0             27            3.8            3.8
 South Africa                       69          18689           5854            2.5            2.2             14              8             39             30             53             65            3.8             50            2.6            2.5
 Spain                             181           7954           1927            0.8            0.2              9              9             20             10             72             78            1.2             77            1.4            0.4
 Sri Lanka                         136           6317           1585            1.5            1.0              8              6             30             18             65             73            2.1             23            1.4            1.9
 Sudan                              41          13173           4080            2.8            2.1             21             12             47             34             43             55            4.6             33            5.2            5.4
 Suriname                          103            174             49            0.4            1.3              8              6             37             22             63             71            2.4             50            0.5            2.2
 Swaziland                          52            448            147            2.9            2.8             19              9             48             37             46             60            4.5             33            7.8            6.1
 Sweden                            188           1975            570            0.3            0.5             10             11             14             12             74             78            1.8             83            0.4            0.5
 Switzerland                       181           1512            418            0.5            0.9              9              9             16             11             73             79            1.5             62            1.0            1.3
 Syria                              99           7579           2117            3.4            2.7             14              5             47             31             56             69            4.1             53            4.1            3.5
 Tajikistan                         61           2877            836            2.9            1.9             10              7             40             31             63             67            4.0             33            2.3            2.0
 Tanzania                           30          16490           5568            3.1            3.0             19             14             50             41             45             51            5.5             26            8.8            6.1
 TFYR Macedonia                    123            631            160            1.3            1.0              8              7             25             15             66             72            1.9             61            2.4            1.7
 Thailand                           92          19245           4781            2.2            0.9             10              7             38             17             58             69            1.8             21            3.9            2.3
 Togo                               35           2259            780            2.8            2.9             20             15             46             42             44             50            6.1             32            6.7            4.5
 Tonga                             123             41             12            0.8            0.4              -              6              -             31              -             72            4.0             42            3.5            3.0
 Trinidad and Tobago               141            461            107            1.2            0.8              7              6             28             17             66             74            2.1             73            1.7            1.5
 Tunisia                            99           3759           1052            2.3            1.9             14              6             39             24             54             69            3.0             63            3.6            3.2
 Turkey                             81          22870           6450            2.3            1.6             13              7             37             22             56             69            2.5             72            4.6            3.9
 Turkmenistan                       59           1910            568            2.6            2.1             11              8             38             29             60             65            3.6             45            2.3            2.1
 Tuvalu                             72              4              1            2.0            1.5              -              -              -              -              -              -              -             40            6.9            0.0
 Uganda                             31          11566           4198            2.6            3.2             19             21             50             51             46             41            7.1             13            4.3            5.6
 Ukraine                           118          12131           2655            0.5           -0.1              9             14             15             10             71             69            1.4             71            1.5            0.6
 United Arab Emirates              154            794            212           10.8            2.6             11              3             36             19             61             75            3.5             85           12.5            3.3
 United Kingdom                    163          13321           3618            0.2            0.2             12             11             16             12             72             77            1.7             89            0.2            0.2
 United States                     159          70739          19717            1.0            1.0              9              9             17             14             71             77            2.0             77            1.1            1.2
 Uruguay                           127            938            263            0.5            0.6             10             10             21             17             69             73            2.3             91            0.9            0.9
 Uzbekistan                         70          10741           3158            2.7            2.0             10              7             36             29             63             68            3.5             42            3.2            2.4
 Vanuatu                            77             88             27            2.7            2.5             14              6             46             33             53             67            4.4             19            4.5            3.3
 Venezuela                         115           9503           2777            3.0            2.2              7              5             38             25             65             73            3.0             86            3.8            2.6
 Viet Nam                           86          32519           9511            2.2            2.0             15              7             38             25             49             67            3.0             20            2.6            1.8
 Yemen                              49           8847           3222            3.0            4.9             23             11             53             48             41             58            7.6             35            6.9            7.8
 Yugoslavia                        127           2652            648            0.8            0.3              9             10             19             13             68             72            1.8             58            2.3            1.5
 Zambia                             12           4653           1508            2.7            2.3             19             18             49             43             46             43            5.5             44            4.4            2.9
 Zimbabwe                           58           5944           1967            3.1            2.4             16             15             50             37             50             49            4.7             33            5.7            4.7

 Regional summaries

 Sub-Saharan Africa                            306563         105461            2.8            2.9             21             15             48             42             44             51            5.9             33            4.5            4.9
 Middle East and North Africa                  153129          46851            3.0            2.5             17              7             45             32             52             66            4.4             57            4.2            3.6
 South Asia                                    541761         157573            2.2            1.9             18              9             41             27             48             61            3.4             27            3.6            3.2
 East Asia and Pacific                         600414         164242            1.7            1.3             11              7             35             18             58             68            2.1             34            3.8            3.8
 Latin America and Caribbean                   189857          53723            2.2            1.7             11              6             37             23             60             70            2.7             74            3.2            2.3
 CEE/CIS and Baltic States                     136131          32568            0.9            0.3              9             12             20             14             66             68            1.8             67            1.9            1.1
 Industrialized countries                      190720          51199            0.7            0.6             10              9             17             12             72             78            1.7             78            0.9            0.8
 Developing countries                         1845341         542905            2.1            1.8             14              9             38             25             53             63            3.1             39            3.7            3.4
 Least developed countries                     305800          99573            2.5            2.6             22             14             48             39             43             51            5.3             24            4.5            5.2
 World                                        2118575         611617            1.7            1.5             13              9             32             23             56             64            2.8             46            2.4            2.5

 Countries in each region are listed in the Regional summaries country list.

Definitions of the indicators

Life expectancy at birth -- The number of years newborn
children would live if subject to the mortality risks
prevailing for the cross-section of population at the time
of their birth. 

Crude death rate -- Annual number of deaths per 1,000

Crude birth rate -- Annual number of births per 1,000

Total fertility rate -- The number of children that would be
born per woman if she were to live to the end of her
childbearing years and bear children at each age in
accordance with prevailing age-specific fertility rates. 

Urban population -- Percentage of population living in urban
areas as defined according to the national definition used
in the most recent population census.

Main data sources

Life expectancy -- United Nations Population Division.

Child population -- United Nations Population Division. 

Crude death and birth rates -- United Nations Population

Fertility -- United Nations Population Division. 

Urban population -- United Nations Population Division.

- Data not available.
x Indicates data that refer to years or periods other than
  those specified in the column heading, differ from the
  standard definition, or refer to only part of a country.

Table 6: Economic indicators
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Debt service
                                                                  GNP per capita              Annual            % of                     % of central government                             ODA inflow             as a % of
                                 Under-5        GNP per           average annual              rate of         population                 expenditure allocated to             ODA inflow      as a % of             exports of
                                 mortality      capita            growth rate (%)            inflation         below $1                         (1990-97)                    in millions      recipient           goods and services
                                  rank           (US$)         ***********************          (%)              a day          ***************************************          US$             GNP              *******************
                                                 1996          1965-80         1990-96        1990-96           1990-95         health          education       defence          1996            1996             1970           1996

 Afghanistan                         4            250x            0.6               -               -               -               -               -               -             228               6               -               -
 Albania                            89            820               -             2.2              68               -               6               2               7             222               8               -               2
 Algeria                            90           1520             4.2            -1.9              25               2               -               -               -             309               1               3              26
 Andorra                           171              c               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Angola                              3            270               -            -5.6            1103               -               6x             15x             34x            544              18               -              12
 Antigua and Barbuda               127           7330               -             2.0               3               -               -               -               -              12               2               -               2x 
 Argentina                         118           8380             1.7             3.9              16               -               3               5               5             277               0              22              40
 Armenia                           103            630               -           -15.0             897               -               -               -               -             295              12               -              10
 Australia                         171          20090             2.2             2.7               1               -              13               7               7               -               -               -               -
 Austria                           181          28110             4.0             0.9               3               -              13               9               2               -               -               -               -
 Azerbaijan                         81            480               -           -18.7             590               -               -               -               -             106               3               -               1
 Bahamas                           127          11850x              -            -2.0               3               -              15              19               3               4x              0x              -               -
 Bahrain                           126           7840x              -             3.8              -1               -              10              14              19               5               0               -               2x 
 Bangladesh                         44            260            -0.3             2.7               5               -               5x             11x             10x           1255               4               0              10
 Barbados                          148           6600x              -            -0.8               1               -               -               -               -               5               0               -               5
 Belarus                           138           2070               -            -8.6             715               2               2              18               4               -               -               -               2
 Belgium                           163          26440             3.6             1.2               3               -               2x             12x              5x              -               -               -               -
 Belize                             86           2700               -             0.7               4               -              13              20               5              18               3               -              12
 Benin                              23            350            -0.3             1.9              11               -               6x             31x             17x            293              15               2               6
 Bhutan                             39            390               -             2.0               9               -               8              10               -              62              22               -               5
 Bolivia                            51            830             1.7             1.8              11               7               4              17               7             850              13              11              27
 Bosnia and Herzegovina            142              a               -               -               -               -               -               -               -             812               -               -               0x 
 Botswana                           78           3210x            9.9             1.3              10              33x              5              25              10              81               2               1               5
 Brazil                             84           4400             6.3             2.0             675              24               5               3               3             408               0              12              38
 Brunei Darussalam                 154          25160x              -            -1.5               0               -               -               -               -               4x              0x              -               -
 Bulgaria                          136           1190               -            -1.8              80               3               3               3               5               -               -               -              16
 Burkina Faso                       22            230             1.7            -0.1               7               -               7              17              14             418              17               4              10
 Burundi                            17            170             2.4            -6.4              14               -               4              15              20             204              19               4              38
 Cambodia                           23            300               -             2.9              45               -               -               -               -             453              15               -               1
 Cameroon                           50            610             2.4            -3.8               6               -               4              15              12             413               5               3              22
 Canada                            163          19020             3.3             0.6               1               -               5               3               6               -               -               -               -
 Cape Verde                         65           1010               -           -16.7               4               -               -               -               -             120              31               -               3
 Central African Rep.               19            310             0.8            -1.7               7               -               -               -               -             167              16               5               3
 Chad                               14            160            -1.9            -1.7               9               -               8x              8x              -             305              29               4               7
 Chile                             146           4860             0.0             6.4              14              15              12              15               8             203               0              19              30
 China                              80            750             4.1            11.0              12              22               0               2              13            2617               0               0x              8
 Colombia                          103           2140             3.7             3.0              23               7               5              19               9             251               0              12              33
 Comoros                            53            450               -            -1.8               4               -               -               -               -              40              18               -               2
 Congo                              45            670             2.7            -4.3               8               -               -               -               -             430              24              11              20
 Congo, Dem. Rep.                   11            130            -1.3           -10.4            2747               -               1               1               4             167               3               5               0
 Cook Islands                      103           1550x              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              11              16x              -               -
 Costa Rica                        144           2640             3.3             2.4              18              19x             21              17               -              -7               0              10              13
 Cote d'Ivoire                      27            660             2.8             0.2              10              18x              4x             21x              4x            968              10               7              25
 Croatia                           157           3800               -             2.2             218               -              15               7              14             133               1               -               5
 Cuba                              159           1170x              -               -               -               -              23x             10x              -              68               0x              -               -
 Cyprus                            157          14920x              -             2.6               4               -               6              12               4              30               0               -               -
 Czech Rep.                        163           4740               -             0.9              18               3              17              12               5               -               -               -               8
 Denmark                           171          32100             2.2             2.1               2               -               1               9               4               -               -               -               -
 Djibouti                           26            780x              -               -               5               -               -               -               -              97               -               -               5
 Dominica                          132           3090               -             2.3               4x              -               -               -               -              43              19               -               4
 Dominican Rep.                     75           1600             3.8             3.1              12              20x             11              13               4             106               1               4               9
 Ecuador                            90           1500             5.4             0.8              35              30              11x             18x             13x            261               1               9              20
 Egypt                              65           1080             2.8             2.2              11               8               2              13               8            2212               3              26              11
 El Salvador                        95           1700             1.5             3.5              11               -              10              16               7             317               3               4               8
 Equatorial Guinea                  20            530               -            15.9               4               -               -               -               -              31              14               -               2
 Eritrea                            40            100x              -               -              16               -               -               -               -             157              46x              -               0
 Estonia                           144           3080               -            -4.9             117               6              16              10               3               -               -               -               1
 Ethiopia                           18            100             0.4             2.0              10              46x              5              15              14             849              14              11              42
 Fiji                              118           2470               -             0.6               3               -               9              18               6              45               2               -               4
 Finland                           188          23240             3.6            -0.2               2               -               3              11               4               -               -               -               -
 France                            181          26270             3.7             0.7               2               -              16x              7x              6x              -               -               -               -
 Gabon                              29           3950             5.6            -1.2              10               -               -               -               -             127               3               6              10
 Gambia                             55            320x              -            -0.5               5               -               7x             12x              4x             38              11               1               9
 Georgia                           109            850               -           -19.3            2279               -               -               -               -             318               7               -               4x 
 Germany                           181          28870             3.0x            0.7               3               -              17x              1x              7x              -               -               -               -
 Ghana                              47            360            -0.8             1.5              27               -               7              22               5             654              11               5              17
 Greece                            159          11460             4.8             1.3              12               -               7               9               7               -               -               9              17x 
 Grenada                           109           2880               -             0.6               2               -              10              17               -              11               4               -               5x 
 Guatemala                          74           1470             3.0             0.5              13              53x             11              17              11             216               1               7              10
 Guinea                             13            560             1.3             1.9               9              26               3x             11x             29x            295               8               -              13
 Guinea-Bissau                       7            250            -2.7             0.5              48              88               1x              3x              4x            180              67               -              42
 Guyana                             57            690               -            10.4              26               -               -               -               -             144              25               -              13x 
 Haiti                              34            310             0.9            -6.9              25               -               -               -               -             375              16               5              11
 Holy See                            -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Honduras                           81            660             1.1             1.2              20              47              10x             19x              7x            367               9               3              26
 Hungary                           149           4340             5.1            -0.6              23               2               8x              3x              4x              -               -               -              39
 Iceland                           181          26580               -             0.5               3               -              23              12               -               -               -               -               -
 India                              45            380             1.5             3.8               9              53               1               2              13            1936               1              21              22
 Indonesia                          68           1080             5.2             5.9               8              12               3               9               7            1121               1               7              34
 Iran                               96           1033x            2.9             1.0              32               -               6              14               7             171               0               -              28x 
 Iraq                               37           1036x              -               -               -               -               -               -               -             387               1               -               -
 Ireland                           163          17110             2.8             5.1               2               -              15              13               3               -               -               -               -
 Israel                            171          15870             3.7             3.2              12               -              10              14              18            2217               2               3               -
 Italy                             171          19880             3.2             0.9               5               -              11x              8x              4x              -               -               -               -
 Jamaica                           149           1600            -0.1             0.9              36               4               7x             11x              8x             60               1               3              15
 Japan                             171          40940             5.1             1.2               1               -               2               6               4               -               -               -               -
 Jordan                            118           1650             5.8x            4.0               4               3               7              15              20             514               7               4              11
 Kazakhstan                         84           1350               -           -10.3             605               2               -               -               -             124               1               -               9
 Kenya                              55            320             3.1            -0.5              17              50               5x             19x              6x            606               7               6              25
 Kiribati                           62            920               -            -0.6               6               -               -               -               -              13              17               -               -
 Korea, Dem. People's Rep.         103            970x              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              43               0x              -               -
 Korea, Rep. of                    171          10610             7.3             6.2               6               -               1              20              16            -147               0              20               3x 
 Kuwait                            146          18720x            0.6x           15.7              -1x              -               6              11              28               6x              0x              -               -
 Kyrgyzstan                         79            550               -           -12.7             256              19               -               -               -             232               9               -               8
 Lao People's Dem. Rep.             37            400               -             3.9              11               -               -               -               -             339              18               -               5
 Latvia                            132           2300               -           -10.1             111               -               6              12               2               -               -               -               1
 Lebanon                            93           2970               -             5.4              33               -               3               7              12             233               2               -               5
 Lesotho                            31            660             6.8             0.9               9              49x             13              21               6             107               8               1               5
 Liberia                             6            490x            0.5               -               -               -               5x             11x              9x            207              18               8               3x 
 Libya                             115           5540x            0.0               -               -               -               -               -               -              10               0               -               -
 Liechtenstein                     163              c               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Lithuania                         143           2280               -            -6.0             179               2               7               7               2               -               -               -               2
 Luxembourg                        163          45360               -             0.1               3               -               2              10               2               -               -               -               -
 Madagascar                         25            250            -0.4            -2.0              25              72               7               9               5             364              11              32               7
 Malawi                              8            180             3.2            -0.2              33               -               7x             12x              5x            501              27               8              14
 Malaysia                          149           4370             4.7             6.1               4               6x              6              23              11            -452              -1               4               8
 Maldives                           64           1080               -             4.1              10               -              11              13               -              33              12               -               3
 Mali                                5            240             2.1x           -0.2              11               -               2x              9x              8x            505              21               1              16
 Malta                             154           8650x              -             3.1               4               -              11              12               2              72               2               -               1
 Marshall Islands                   54           1890               -            -4.0               6               -               -               -               -              73              41               -               -
 Mauritania                         16            470            -0.1             1.7               6              31x              4x             23x              -             274              25               3              19
 Mauritius                         123           3710             3.7             3.6               7               -               8              17               1              20               0               3               7
 Mexico                             96           3670             3.6            -0.3              19              15               3              24               4             289               0              24              31
 Micronesia, Fed. States of        118           2070               -            -1.3               5               -               -               -               -             113              50               -               -
 Moldova, Rep. of                  102            590               -           -16.8             308               7               -               -               -               -               -               -               4
 Monaco                            181              c               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Mongolia                           27            360               -            -2.3             106               -               4x              7x             12x            203              23               -               8
 Morocco                            67           1290             2.7             0.2               4               2               3              18              14             651               2               8              27
 Mozambique                         10             80               -             2.6              47               -               5x             10x             35x            923              63               -              26
 Myanmar                            42            220x            1.6             3.9              22               -               4              10              37              56               2x             18              14x 
 Namibia                            62           2250               -             1.6              10               -              10x             22x              7x            189               5               -               -
 Nauru                             103              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               3               -               -               -
 Nepal                              48            210               -             2.3              10              50               5              14               4             401               9               3               7
 Netherlands                       171          25940             2.7             1.8               2               -              14              11               4               -               -               -               -
 New Zealand                       163          15720             1.7             1.7               2               -              15              15               3               -               -               -               -
 Nicaragua                          71            380            -0.7            -0.2              71              44              13              15               6             954              56              11              23
 Niger                               1            200            -2.5            -2.3               7              62               -               -               -             259              14               4              13
 Nigeria                            15            240             4.2             1.2              38              31               1x              3x              3x            192               1               4              16
 Niue                                -              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               7               -               -               -
 Norway                            188          34510             3.6             3.7               2               -               4               7               7               -               -               -               -
 Oman                              138           4950x            9.0            -0.3              -3               -               7              14              35              62               1               -               9
 Pakistan                           33            480             1.8             1.1              11              12               1x              2x             31x            877               1              22              22
 Palau                              98            790x              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              62               -               -               -
 Panama                            132           3080             2.8             3.6               3              26x             18              17               5              90               1               8               9
 Papua New Guinea                   43           1150               -             5.0               7               -               8              15               4             385               8               1              12
 Paraguay                           99           1850             4.1            -1.5              17               -               7              22              11              97               1              12               4
 Peru                               72           2420             0.8             4.8              49              49               5x             16x             11x            410               1              12              31
 Philippines                        88           1160             3.2             1.0               9              29               2              18               8             883               1               8              12
 Poland                            149           3230               -             3.3              32               7              11               6               4               -               -               -               6
 Portugal                          159          10160             4.6             1.5               7               -               9x             11x              6x              -               -               7              16x 
 Qatar                             132          11590x              -            -5.1               -               -               -               -               -               3x              0x              -               -
 Romania                           114           1600               -             0.1             133              18               8              10               7               -               -               0x              8
 Russian Federation                115           2410               -            -9.2             394               2               2               2              12               -               -               -               6
 Rwanda                             21            190             1.6            -8.2              20              46x              5x             26x              -             674              53               1              18
 Saint Kitts and Nevis              93           5870               -             3.5               4               -               -               -               -               7               3               -               4
 Saint Lucia                       109           3500               -             2.8               3               -               -               -               -              39               7               -               3
 Saint Vincent/Grenadines          127           2370               -             2.4               3               -              13              16               -              27              10               -               5
 Samoa                              76           1170               -             0.1               2               -               -               -               -              32              16               -               4
 San Marino                        171              -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               -
 Sao Tome and Principe              59            330               -            -1.7              53               -               -               -               -              47             104               -              21
 Saudi Arabia                      112           6800x            4.0x           -3.1               1               -               6x             14x             36x             29               0               -               1x 
 Senegal                            36            570            -0.5            -0.6               8              54               -               -               -             582              12               4              13
 Seychelles                        138           6850               -             1.5               2               -               8              12               4              19               4               -               4
 Sierra Leone                        2            200             0.7            -3.9              38               -              10x             13x             10x            195              21              11              48
 Singapore                         188          30550             8.3             6.6               3               -               8              19              29              16x              0x              1               -
 Slovakia                          149           3410               -            -1.2              14              13               -               -               -               -               -               -               9
 Slovenia                          171           9240               -             4.4              39               -               -               -               -              82               0               -               9
 Solomon Islands                   112            900               -             1.3              11               -               -               -               -              43              12               -               4
 Somalia                             9            110x           -0.1            -2.3x             75x              -               1x              2x             38x             91               9               2              25x 
 South Africa                       69           3520             3.2            -0.2              11              24               -               -               -             361               0               -              11
 Spain                             181          14350             4.1             1.0               5               -               6               4               3               -               -               -               -
 Sri Lanka                         136            740             2.8             3.4              10               4               6              10              18             494               4              11               6
 Sudan                              41            320x            0.8             0.6x             86               -               -               -               -             230               3              11               0
 Suriname                          103           1000               -            -0.3             138               -               -               -               -             111              26               -               -
 Swaziland                          52           1210               -            -1.2              11               -               -               -               -              31               3               -               3
 Sweden                            188          25710             2.0            -0.2               3               -               0               5               4               -               -               -               -
 Switzerland                       181          44350             1.5            -1.0               2               -              20               3               6               -               -               -               -
 Syria                              99           1160             5.1             4.3               9               -               4              10              29             225               1              11               2
 Tajikistan                         61            340               -           -18.5             394               -               -               -               -             113               6               -               0
 Tanzania                           30            170             0.8            -0.2              26              11               6x              8x             16x            894              17               1              17
 TFYR Macedonia                    123            990               -            -8.5             286               -               -               -               -             105               5               -               3
 Thailand                           92           2960             4.4             6.7               5               2               8              21              13             832               0               3               9
 Togo                               35            300             1.7            -3.9               9               -               5x             20x             11x            166              13               3               8
 Tonga                             123           1790               -             2.0               4               -               7x             13x              -              32              18               -               5
 Trinidad and Tobago               141           3870             3.1             0.1               7               -               9              15               2              17               0               5              14
 Tunisia                            99           1930             4.7             1.3               5               4               7              19               6             126               1              18              15
 Turkey                             81           2830             3.6             1.7              78               -               2              11               8             233               0              16              19
 Turkmenistan                       59            940               -           -13.1            1074               5               -               -               -              24               1               -              10
 Tuvalu                             72            650x              -               -               -               -               -               -               -              10               -               -               -
 Uganda                             31            300            -2.2             4.0              20              69x              2x             15x             26x            684              12               3              13
 Ukraine                           118           1200               -           -13.5             801               -               -               -               -               -               -               -               6
 United Arab Emirates              154          17390x              -            -4.8               -               -               7              17              37               8x              0x              -               -
 United Kingdom                    163          19600             2.0             1.5               3               -              14               5               8               -               -               -               -
 United States                     159          28020             1.8             1.2               3               -              20               2              16               -               -               -               -
 Uruguay                           127           5760             2.5             3.8              50               -               6               7               5              51               0              22              13
 Uzbekistan                         70           1010               -            -5.6             547               -               -               -               -              87               0               -               8
 Vanuatu                            77           1290               -            -1.1               3               -               -               -               -              31              14               -               1
 Venezuela                         115           3020             2.3            -0.3              47              12              10x             20x              6x             44               0               3              14
 Viet Nam                           86            290               -             6.2              23               -               -               -               -             927               4               -               3
 Yemen                              49            380               -            -2.2              27               -               4              20              32             260               4               -               2
 Yugoslavia                        127              b               -               -               -               -               -               -               -              70               -               -               -
 Zambia                             12            360            -1.2            -4.8              87              85              10              18               5             614              18               6              24
 Zimbabwe                           58            610             1.7            -1.1              26              41               8x             24x             17x            374               5               2              19

 Regional summaries

 Sub-Saharan Africa                               528             2.8            -0.4              82              39               5              14              10           15360               5               6              14
 Middle East and North Africa                    1798             3.1             0.4              15               -               5              14              20            5568               1              12              17
 South Asia                                       380             1.4             3.3               9              47               1               3              15            5286               1              17              20
 East Asia and Pacific                           1193             4.9             8.1               9              20               2              11              13            7755               0               6              12
 Latin America and Caribbean                     3681             4.0             2.1             286              22               5              11               5            6125               0              13              29
 CEE/CIS and Baltic States                       2182               -            -4.4             284               5               5               6               9               -               -               -              10
 Industrialized countries                       27086             2.9             1.1               2               -              13               4               9               -               -               -               -
 Developing countries                            1222             3.7             4.0             113              30               4              11              11           43843               1              11              18
 Least developed countries                        232            -0.1             0.0             181               -               5              13              14           14231              11               6              10
 World                                           5051             3.1             1.5              31              28              11               6               9           45339               1              11              16

 Countries in each region are listed in the Regional summaries country list.

Definitions of the indicators

GNP per capita -- Gross national product (GNP) is the sum
of gross value added by all resident producers, plus any
taxes that are not included in the valuation of output, plus
net receipts of primary income from non-resident sources.
GNP per capita is the gross national product, converted to United
States dollars using the World Bank Atlas method, divided by
the mid-year population.

% of population below $1 a day -- Percentage of population
living on less than $1 a day at 1985 international prices,
adjusted for purchasing power parity.

ODA -- Official development assistance.

Debt service -- The sum of interest payments and repayments
of principal on external public and publicly guaranteed
long-term debts.

Main data sources

GNP per capita -- World Bank.

% of population below $1 a day -- World Bank.

Expenditure on health, education and defence --
International Monetary Fund (IMF).

ODA -- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD). 

Debt service -- World Bank.

a:  Range $785 or less.
b:  Range $786 to $3115.
c:  Range $9636 or more.

- Data not available.
x Indicates data that refer to years or periods other than
  those specified in the column heading, differ from the
  standard definition, or refer to only part of a country.

Table 7: Women                                                   Adult                                                             % of          attended
                                  Under-5    Life expectancy   literacy rate          Enrolment ratios        Contraceptive    pregnant women     by trained
                                 mortality    females as a     females as a       females as a % of males       prevalence    immunized against    health         Maternal mortality ratio
                                   rank        % of males       % of males               1990-96                   (%)            tetanus         personnel               1980-97*
                                                                                primary         secondary
                                                 1997            1995            school          school          1990-98          1995-97          1990-97        reported       adjusted

 Afghanistan                         4            102             32              50              34               2x               3                9x               -              -
 Albania                            89            109              -             102             100               -               50               99x               -              -
 Algeria                            90            104             66              89              89              57               52               77              220              -
 Andorra                           171              -              -               -               -               -                -                -                -              -
 Angola                              3            107             52x             93               -               8               53               15x               -              -
 Antigua and Barbuda               127            110              -               -               -              53x               -              100              150              -
 Argentina                         118            110            100              99             111              74x              63               97               44             85
 Armenia                           103            110             99             105             107              60                -               96               35              -
 Australia                         171            108              -             100              99              76x               -              100                -              -
 Austria                           181            108              -             100              95              71x               -              100                -              -
 Azerbaijan                         81            112             99             108             105               -                -               99               37              -
 Bahamas                           127            110             99              99             103              62x              75x             100x               -              -
 Bahrain                           126            106             89             102             104              62               56               98               46              -
 Bangladesh                         44            100             53              86              50              49               86                8              440              -
 Barbados                          148            107             99             101              89x             55x             100              100                0              -
 Belarus                           138            117             99              97             104              50                -              100x              22              -
 Belgium                           163            109              -              99             106              79                -              100x               -              -
 Belize                             86            104            100x             95             111              47               88               79              140            140
 Benin                              23            110             53              57              43              37               73               60              500              -
 Bhutan                             39            108             50              61x             29x             19               70               15              380              -
 Bolivia                            51            105             84              91              85              45               75               47              390              -
 Bosnia and Herzegovina            142            109              -               -               -               -                -               97               10              -
 Botswana                           78            106             74             103             107              48               49               78x             330              -
 Brazil                             84            113            100              96x            116x             77               45               92              160              -
 Brunei Darussalam                 154            107             89              95             108               -               76               98                0              -
 Bulgaria                          136            110             99              98              99              76x               -              100x              15              -
 Burkina Faso                       22            104             30              65              55               8               21               42                -              -
 Burundi                            17            109             47              82              63               9x              33               19x               -              -
 Cambodia                           23            106             66x             81              59              13               31               31              470              -
 Cameroon                           50            106             69              90              69              16               32               64                -              -
 Canada                            163            108              -              98              99              73x               -               99x               -              -
 Cape Verde                         65            103             79              98              93              27               55               54               55              -
 Central African Rep.               19            111             75              65              40              15               15               46             1100              -
 Chad                               14            107             56              49              27               4               24               15              830              -
 Chile                             146            108            100              98             111              43x               -              100               23              -
 China                              80            106             81              99              90              83               13               89               60             60
 Colombia                          103            109            100              99             116              72               57               85               80             80
 Comoros                            53            102             78              84              81              21               15               52              500              -
 Congo                              45            108             81              92              73               -               30                -                -              -
 Congo, Dem. Rep.                   11            106             78              69              59               8               80                -                -              -
 Cook Islands                      103              -              -               -               -              50               90               99                -              -
 Costa Rica                        144            107            100              99             108              75               90               98               29             35
 Cote d'Ivoire                      27            104             60              73              50              11               44               45              600              -
 Croatia                           157            112             99              99             102               -               91                -               12              -
 Cuba                              159            105             99              96             105              82               61x              99               24             24
 Cyprus                            157            107             93x            100             103               -               57x             100x               0              -
 Czech Rep.                        163            109              -              99             103              69                -                -                9              -
 Denmark                           171            107              -             101             103              78x               -              100x              10              -
 Djibouti                           26            106             55              75              73               -               47               79x               -              -
 Dominica                          132            106              -               -               -              50x               -               98               65              -
 Dominican Rep.                     75            106            100             101             138              64               77               96              230              -
 Ecuador                            90            107             96              99             100              57                3               64              160              -
 Egypt                              65            105             61              87              85              55               61               56              170            170
 El Salvador                        95            109             95             101             113              53               69               87              160              -
 Equatorial Guinea                  20            106             76               -               -               -               70               58x               -              -
 Eritrea                            40            106              -              81              73               8               32               21             1000              -
 Estonia                           144            117            100              98             110              70                -                -               50              -
 Ethiopia                           18            106             54              62              83               4               40               14x               -              -
 Fiji                              118            107             95              99             102              32x             100               96x              38              -
 Finland                           188            110              -             100             115              80x               -              100                6              6
 France                            181            111              -              98              99              75               83               99               10             20
 Gabon                              29            106             72               -               -               -                4               80x               -              -
 Gambia                             55            107             47              86              54              12               86               44                -              -
 Georgia                           109            112             99             101              97               -                -                -               60              -
 Germany                           181            110              -              99              98              75               80               99                8              -
 Ghana                              47            107             71              84              64              20               87               41              210              -
 Greece                            159            108             97             100              91               -                -               97x               1              -
 Grenada                           109              -              -               -               -              54               80               99                0              -
 Guatemala                          74            109             78              87              92              31               38               35              190              -
 Guinea                             13            102             44              54              33              29               45               31              670              -
 Guinea-Bissau                       7            107             63              58              36x              1x              46               27x             910            910
 Guyana                             57            111             99              98             125               -               71               95              190              -
 Haiti                              34            106             88              93              96              18               38               21                -              -
 Holy See                            -              -              -               -               -               -                -                -                -              -
 Honduras                           81            107            100             102             128              50              100               61              220            220
 Hungary                           149            114            100             100             105              73x               -               99x              15              -
 Iceland                           181            105              -              96              98               -                -              100x               -              -
 India                              45            100             58              82              64              41               80               34              440              -
 Indonesia                          68            106             87              96              85              55               78               54              450              -
 Iran                               96            103             76              93              82              73               76               86               37             37
 Iraq                               37            105             63              86              64              18x              56               54x               -              -
 Ireland                           163            107              -              99             105               -                -                -                6              -
 Israel                            171            104             96             100             106               -                -               99x               5              -
 Italy                             171            108             99              98             101              78x               -                -                7              -
 Jamaica                           149            107            110              99             113              65               82               91              120            120
 Japan                             171            108              -             100             102              59                -              100x               8              -
 Jordan                            118            106             85             101              98x             53               40               97               41             41
 Kazakshtan                         84            116             99             100             101              59                -              100               70              -
 Kenya                              55            108             81             100              85              33               21               45              370              -
 Kiribati                           62            109              -               -               -              28               41               72                -              -
 Korea, Dem. People's Rep.         103            109              -              94x              -               -               80              100x             110              -
 Korea, Rep. of                    171            110             98             101             100              79                -               98               20             20
 Kuwait                            146            105             91              99             100              35x              21               99x               5              -
 Kyrgyzstan                         79            114             96              97             112              60                -               98               65              -
 Lao People's Dem. Rep.             37            106             64              74              61              19               32                -              650              -
 Latvia                            132            117            100              95             105               -               64                -               45              -
 Lebanon                            93            106             95              97             109              63                -               98              100              -
 Lesotho                            31            105             77             114             155              23               10               50                -              -
 Liberia                             6            106             41              55x              -               6x              35               58x               -              -
 Libya                             115            105             72             100             100               -               45x              76x              75              -
 Liechtenstein                     163              -            100x              -               -               -                -                -                -              -
 Lithuania                         143            117             99              98             104               -                -                -               18              -
 Luxembourg                        163            110              -             107             106               -                -               99x               0              -
 Madagascar                         25            105             53              96             100              19               35               47              490              -
 Malawi                              8            103             58              90              57              22               15               55              620              -
 Malaysia                          149            106             88             100             109              48x              81               99               39             39
 Maldives                           64             97            100              97             100              17               96               90              350            390
 Mali                                5            107             59              66              50               7               32               25              580              -
 Malta                             154            105            101              95              92               -                -                -                -              -
 Marshall Islands                   54              -              -               -               -              37               15x               -                -              -
 Mauritania                         16            106             52              85              58               4               63               40              550              -
 Mauritius                         123            110             91              99             107              75               78               97               30              -
 Mexico                             96            109             95              97             102              53x              70               91               48             85
 Micronesia, Fed. States of        118            106              -               -               -               -               44               90x               -              -
 Moldova, Rep. of                  102            113            101              98             104               -                -                -               42              -
 Monaco                            181              -              -               -               -               -                -                -                -              -
 Mongolia                           27            105             87             103             136               -                -              100              150              -
 Morocco                            67            105             54              76              75              59               42               43              230              -
 Mozambique                         10            107             40              71              56               6               68               44             1100              -
 Myanmar                            42            107             88              97             103              33               83               56              230              -
 Namibia                            62            104             95x            102             118              29               78               68              230              -
 Nauru                             103              -              -               -               -               -                -                -                -              -
 Nepal                              48            100             34              69              51              30               19                9              540              -
 Netherlands                       171            108              -              98              95              80                -              100x               7             10
 New Zealand                       163            107              -              99              98              70x               -               99x              15             15
 Nicaragua                          71            106            103             103             116              49               95               61              160              -
 Niger                               1            106             33              61              44               4               19               15              590              -
 Nigeria                            15            106             70              79              85               6               23               31                -              -
 Niue                                -              -              -               -               -               -               40               99                -              -
 Norway                            188            108              -             100              95              76x               -              100x               6              -
 Oman                              138            106             65x             95              94              40               98               93               21              -
 Pakistan                           33            103             48              45              52              17               57               18                -              -
 Palau                              98              -              -               -               -              38x              55               99                -              -
 Panama                            132            106             99              96             108              58x              24               86               85              -
 Papua New Guinea                   43            104             78              85              65              26               64               53              370              -
 Paraguay                           99            107             97              97             103              51               32               61              190              -
 Peru                               72            108             87              97              93              64               57               56              270              -
 Philippines                        88            106             99             102             102x             40               46               64              210              -
 Poland                            149            113              -              99             101              75x               -               99x               8              -
 Portugal                          159            110             95              95             108              66x               -               90x               8              -
 Qatar                             132            107            101              95             100              32x               -               98               10              -
 Romania                           114            111             98              98             101              57                -              100x              41              -
 Russian Federation                115            124             99              99             108               -                -               99               49              -
 Rwanda                             21            105             74              98              75              21               43               26                -              -
 Saint Kitts and Nevis              93            107              -               -               -              41x               -              100              130              -
 Saint Lucia                       109            110              -               -               -              47x               -              100               30              -
 Saint Vincent/Grenadines          127            110              -               -               -              58x               -               96               43              -
 Samoa                              76            106              -              98             114              21               96               76                -              -
 San Marino                        171              -              -               -               -               -                -                -                -              -
 Sao Tome and Principe              59            106              -               -               -              10x              65               86x               -              -
 Saudi Arabia                      112            104             69              96              87               -               60               90                -              -
 Senegal                            36            104             53              82              60              13               34               47              560              -
 Seychelles                        138            110            104x              -               -               -              100               99x               -              -
 Sierra Leone                        2            108             40              69              59               4x              11               25x               -              -
 Singapore                         188            105             90              96x            103x             74x               -              100x               6              -
 Slovakia                          149            113              -             100             104              74                -                -                9              -
 Slovenia                          171            113             99x            100             102               -                -                -               11              -
 Solomon Islands                   112            107              -              87              67              25               63               87x             550              -
 Somalia                             9            106             39x             53x              -               1x              30                2x               -              -
 South Africa                       69            110            100              98             119              50x              26               82                -              -
 Spain                             181            109             98             100             110              59x               -               96x               6              -
 Sri Lanka                         136            106             94              98             110              66               89               94               60             60
 Sudan                              41            106             60              81              86               8               46               69              550              -
 Suriname                          103            107             96              97x            116x              -               99x              91x             110            110
 Swaziland                          52            109             97              95              96              21x              85               56              230              -
 Sweden                            188            107              -             101             102              78x               -              100x               5              -
 Switzerland                       181            109              -              99              94              71x               -               99x               5              -
 Syria                              99            106             65              90              85              36               92               67              110              -
 Tajikistan                         61            109            100              97              90               -                -               79               85              -
 Tanzania                           30            106             72              97              83              18               27               38              530              -
 TFYR Macedonia                    123            107              -              97             102               -               91x              95               11              -
 Thailand                           92            109             96              97              97              74               88               71x              44             44
 Togo                               35            106             55              80              34              24               65               54x               -              -
 Tonga                             123            106              -               -               -              39               92               92                -              -
 Trinidad and Tobago               141            107             98             112             120              53x              19x              98x               -              -
 Tunisia                            99            104             70              94              94              60               80               81               70             70
 Turkey                             81            108             78              95              67              63               32               76              130              -
 Turkmenistan                       59            111             98x              -               -               -                -               96              110              -
 Tuvalu                             72              -              -               -               -               -               53              100                -              -
 Uganda                             31            105             68              85              60              15               45               38              510              -
 Ukraine                           118            116            101              99             107               -                -              100               30              -
 United Arab Emirates              154            103            101              96             109              28                -               96x               3              -
 United Kingdom                    163            108              -             101             118              82                -              100x               7             10
 United States                     159            110              -              99             101              74x               -               99x               8             12
 Uruguay                           127            109            101              98             120              84               13x              96x              21              -
 Uzbekistan                         70            111            100              97              88              56                -               98               21              -
 Vanuatu                            77            106              -             102              78              15               15               87                -              -
 Venezuela                         115            109             98             103             141              49x              72               69x              65              -
 Viet Nam                           86            106             94              95x             93x             65               84               85              160            160
 Yemen                              49            102             49x             40              22              21               17               43                -              -
 Yugoslavia                        127            107             98             101             105               -                -               93               10              -
 Zambia                             12            105             83              93              62              26               37               47              650              -
 Zimbabwe                           58            104             89              97              80              48               70               69              400              -

 Regional summaries

 Sub-Saharan Africa                               106             71              82              82              16               39               37
 Middle East and North Africa                     104             67              86              83              50               59               70
 South Asia                                       101             57              77              63              39               74               28
 East Asia and Pacific                            106             84              98              91              75               36               81
 Latin America and Caribbean                      110             97              97             109              65               57               82
 CEE/CIS and Baltic States                        114             97              98              98              64                -               93
 Industrialized countries                         109              -              99             102              72                -               99
 Developing countries                             105             78              89              83              55               52               55
 Least developed countries                        105             63              78              60              22               48               28
 World                                            106             81              90              88              58               52               60

 Countries in each region are listed in the Regional summaries country list.

Definitions of the indicators

Life expectancy at birth -- The number of years newborn
children would live if subject to the mortality risks
prevailing for the cross-section of population at the time
of their birth. 

Adult literacy rate -- Percentage of persons aged 15 and
over who can read and write. 

Primary and secondary enrolment ratios -- The number of
children enrolled in a schooling level (primary or
secondary), regardless of age, divided by the population of
the age group which officially corresponds to that level.

Contraceptive prevalence -- Percentage of married women aged
15-49 years currently using contraception.

Births attended -- Percentage of births attended by
physicians, nurses, midwives, or primary health care workers
trained in midwifery skills. 

Maternal mortality rate -- Annual number of deaths of women
from pregnancy-related causes per 100,000 live births.
'Reported' column shows country reported figures; 'adjusted'
column shows figures from special studies that take account
of misclassification and underreporting.

Main data sources

Life expectancy -- United Nations Population Division.

Adult literacy -- United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 

School enrolment -- Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO).

Immunization -- Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS),
Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), World Health
Organization (WHO) and UNICEF.

Contraceptive prevalence -- Demographic and Health Surveys
(DHS), United Nations Population Division and UNICEF.

Births attended -- World Health Organization (WHO) and

Maternal mortality -- World Health Organization (WHO) and

* Since maternal deaths are often misclassified or
  underreported and data collection methods vary considerably,
  maternal mortality estimates are being adjusted to improve
  comparability and to better reflect the true levels of
  maternal mortality. As the 'adjusted' column in this table
  shows, only partial data are currently available, and
  therefore no regional averages could be calculated.

- Data not available.
x Indicates data that refer to years or periods other than
  those specified in the column heading, differ from the
  standard definition, or refer to only part of a country.

Measuring human development

An introduction to table 8

If development in the 1990s is to assume a more human face
then there arises a corresponding need for a means of
measuring human as well as economic progress. From UNICEF's
point of view, in particular, there is a need for an agreed
method of measuring the level of child well-being and its
rate of change.

The under-five mortality rate (U5MR) is used in table 8 as
the principal indicator of such progress.

The U5MR has several advantages. First, it measures an end
result of the development process rather than an 'input'
such as school enrolment level, per capita calorie
availability, or the number of doctors per thousand
population -- all of which are means to an end.

Second, the U5MR is known to be the result of a wide variety
of inputs: the nutritional health and the health knowledge
of mothers; the level of immunization and ORT use; the
availability of maternal and child health services
(including prenatal care); income and food availability in
the family; the availability of clean water and safe
sanitation; and the overall safety of the child's

Third, the U5MR is less susceptible than, say, per capita
GNP to the fallacy of the average. This is because the
natural scale does not allow the children of the rich to be
one thousand times as likely to survive, even if the
man-made scale does permit them to have one thousand times
as much income. In other words, it is much more difficult
for a wealthy minority to affect a nation's U5MR, and it
therefore presents a more accurate, if far from perfect,
picture of health status of the majority of children (and of
society as a whole).

For these reasons, the U5MR is chosen by UNICEF as its
single most important indicator of the state of a nation's
children. That is why the tables rank the nations of the
world not in ascending order of their per capital GNP but in
descending order of their under-five mortality rates.

The speed of progress in reducing the U5MR can be measured
by calculating its average annual reduction rate (AARR).
Unlike the comparison of absolute changes, the AARR reflects
the fact that the lower limits to U5MR are approached only
with increasing difficulty. As lower levels of under-five
mortality are reached, for example, the same absolute
reduction obviously represents a greater percentage of
reduction. The AARR therefore shows a higher rate of
progress for, say, a 10-point reduction if that reduction
happens at a lower level of under-five mortality. (A fall in
U5MR of 10 points from 100 to 90 represents a reduction of
10 per cent, whereas the same 10-point fall from 20 to 10
represents a reduction of 50 per cent).

When used in conjunction with GNP growth rates, the U5MR and
its reduction rate can therefore give a picture of the
progress being made by any country or region, and over any
period of time, towards the satisfaction of some of the most
essential of human needs.

As table 8 shows, there is no fixed relationship between the
annual reduction rate of the U5MR and the annual rate of
growth in per capita GNP. Such comparisons help to throw the
emphasis on to the policies, priorities, and other factors
which determine the ratio between economic and social

Finally, the table gives the total fertility rate for each
country and its average annual rate of reduction. It will be
seen that many of the nations that have achieved significant
reductions in their U5MR have also achieved significant
reductions in fertility.

Table 8: The rate of progress
                                                             Average annual             GNP per capita
                                           Under-5              rate of                 average annual            Total         Average annual
                         Under-5          mortality           reduction (%)             growth rate (%)      fertility rate        rate of
                        mortality           rate                            required                                             reduction (%)
                          rank        1960  1990  1997    1960-90  1990-97  1997-2000   1965-80  1990-96     1960  1990  1997   1960-90 1990-97
 Afghanistan                 4         360   260   257       1.1     0.2      43.4        0.6        -       6.9   6.9   6.9     0.0     0.0
 Albania                    89         151    41    40       4.3     0.4      12.7         -       2.2       5.9   3.0   2.6     2.3     2.0
 Algeria                    90         255    48    39       5.6     3.0       6.6        4.2     -1.9       7.3   4.6   3.9     1.5     2.4
 Andorra                   171           -     -     6         -       -         -          -        -         -     -     -       -       -
 Angola                      3         345   297   292       0.5     0.2      47.6          -     -5.6       6.4   7.2   6.7    -0.4     1.0
 Antigua and Barbuda       127           -     -    21         -       -         -          -      2.0         -   1.8   1.7       -     0.8
 Argentina                 118          72    28    24       3.1     2.2       8.3        1.7      3.9       3.1   2.9   2.6     0.2     1.6
 Armenia                   103          48    31    30       1.5     0.5      12.4          -    -15.0       4.5   2.4   1.7     2.1     4.9
 Australia                 171          24    10     6       2.9     7.3      -3.7        2.2      2.7       3.3   1.9   1.9     1.8     0.0
 Austria                   181          43     9     5       5.2     8.4      -6.1        4.0      0.9       2.7   1.5   1.4     2.0     1.0
 Azerbaijan                 81          75    44    45       1.8    -0.3      14.3          -    -18.7       5.5   2.7   2.3     2.4     2.3
 Bahamas                   127          68    29    21       2.8     4.6       2.8          -     -2.0       3.8   2.1   2.0     2.0     0.7
 Bahrain                   126         203    23    22       7.3     0.6      12.1          -      3.8       7.1   3.7   3.0     2.2     3.0
 Bangladesh                 44         247   140   109       1.9     3.6      14.8       -0.3      2.7       6.7   4.1   3.2     1.6     3.5
 Barbados                  148          90    13    12       6.4     1.1      10.7          -     -0.8       4.5   1.7   1.7     3.2     0.0
 Belarus                   138          47    20    18       2.8     1.5      10.1          -     -8.6       2.7   1.9   1.4     1.2     4.4
 Belgium                   163          35     9     7       4.5     3.6       5.1        3.6      1.2       2.6   1.6   1.6     1.6     0.0
 Belize                     86         104    49    43       2.5     1.9       9.1          -      0.7       6.5   4.4   3.7     1.3     2.5
 Benin                      23         300   185   167       1.6     1.5      29.0       -0.3      1.9       6.9   6.6   5.9     0.1     1.6
 Bhutan                     39         300   166   121       2.0     4.5      18.2          -      2.0       5.9   5.9   5.9     0.0     0.0
 Bolivia                    51         255   124    96       2.4     3.7      10.5        1.7      1.8       6.7   4.9   4.4     1.0     1.5
 Bosnia and Herzegovina    142         155    20    16       6.8     3.2       6.2          -        -       4.0   1.7   1.4     2.9     2.8
 Botswana                   78         170    62    49       3.4     3.4       5.7        9.9      1.3       6.8   5.0   4.5     1.0     1.5
 Brazil                     84         177    60    44       3.6     4.4       3.2        6.3      2.0       6.2   2.7   2.2     2.8     2.9
 Brunei Darussalam         154          87    11    10       6.9     1.4      10.5          -     -1.5       6.9   3.2   2.7     2.6     2.4
 Bulgaria                  136          70    18    19       4.5    -0.8      15.3          -     -1.8       2.2   1.7   1.5     0.9     1.8
 Burkina Faso               22         315   196   169       1.6     2.1      29.4        1.7     -0.1       6.7   7.3   6.6    -0.3     1.4
 Burundi                    17         255   180   176       1.2     0.3      30.7        2.4     -6.4       6.8   6.8   6.3     0.0     1.1
 Cambodia                   23         217   193   167       0.4     2.1      29.0          -      2.9       6.3   4.9   4.5     0.8     1.2
 Cameroon                   50         255   125    99       2.4     3.3      11.6        2.4     -3.8       5.8   5.9   5.3    -0.1     1.5
 Canada                    163          33     9     7       4.3     3.6       5.1        3.3      0.6       3.8   1.7   1.6     2.7     0.9
 Cape Verde                 65         164    73    73       2.7     0.0      13.5          -    -16.7       7.0   4.3   3.6     1.6     2.5
 Central African Rep.       19         327   177   173       2.0     0.3      30.2        0.8     -1.7       5.6   5.5   5.0     0.1     1.4
 Chad                       14         325   198   198       1.7     0.0      34.7       -1.9     -1.7       6.0   5.9   5.5     0.1     1.0
 Chile                     146         138    20    13       6.4     6.2      -0.8        0.0      6.4       5.3   2.6   2.5     2.4     0.6
 China                      80         209    47    47       5.0     0.0      13.6        4.1     11.0       5.7   2.2   1.8     3.2     2.9
 Colombia                  103         130    40    30       3.9     4.1       3.9        3.7      3.0       6.8   3.0   2.7     2.7     1.5
 Comoros                    53         265   120    93       2.6     3.6       9.5          -     -1.8       6.8   6.3   5.6     0.3     1.7
 Congo                      45         220   110   108       2.3     0.3      14.5        2.7     -4.3       5.9   6.3   5.9    -0.2     0.9
 Congo, Dem. Rep.           11         302   207   207       1.3     0.0      36.1       -1.3    -10.4       6.0   6.7   6.3    -0.4     0.9
 Cook Islands              103           -    32    30         -     0.9      11.4          -        -         -     -     -       -       -
 Costa Rica                144         112    16    14       6.5     1.9       9.0        3.3      2.4       7.0   3.3   3.0     2.5     1.4
 Cote d'Ivoire              27         300   150   150       2.3     0.0      25.4        2.8      0.2       7.2   6.3   5.2     0.4     2.7
 Croatia                   157          98    13     9       6.7     5.3       1.1          -      2.2       2.3   1.7   1.6     1.0     0.9
 Cuba                      159          54    13     8       4.7     6.9      -2.8          -        -       4.2   1.7   1.6     3.0     0.9
 Cyprus                    157          36    12     9       3.7     4.1       3.9          -      2.6       3.5   2.4   2.3     1.3     0.6
 Czech Rep.                163          25    11     7       2.7     6.5      -1.4          -      0.9       2.3   1.8   1.4     0.8     3.6
 Denmark                   171          25     9     6       3.4     5.8       0.0        2.2      2.1       2.6   1.6   1.8     1.6    -1.7
 Djibouti                   26         289   164   156       1.9     0.7      26.7          -        -       7.0   6.0   5.4     0.5     1.5
 Dominica                  132           -    23    20         -     2.0       8.9          -      2.3         -   2.7   2.3       -     2.3
 Dominican Rep.             75         149    65    53       2.8     2.9       6.7        3.8      3.1       7.4   3.3   2.8     2.7     2.3
 Ecuador                    90         180    50    39       4.3     3.5       5.3        5.4      0.8       6.7   3.8   3.1     1.9     2.9
 Egypt                      65         282   106    73       3.3     5.3       1.4        2.8      2.2       7.0   4.2   3.4     1.7     3.0
 El Salvador                95         210    54    36       4.5     5.8       0.0        1.5      3.5       6.8   3.8   3.1     1.9     2.9
 Equatorial Guinea          20         316   206   172       1.4     2.6      30.0          -     15.9       5.5   5.9   5.5    -0.2     1.0
 Eritrea                    40         250   160   116       1.5     4.6      16.8          -        -       6.6   5.9   5.4     0.4     1.3
 Estonia                   144          52    21    14       3.0     5.8       0.0          -     -4.9       2.0   1.9   1.3     0.2     5.4
 Ethiopia                   18         280   190   175       1.3     1.2      30.5        0.4      2.0       6.9   7.0   7.0     0.0     0.0
 Fiji                      118          97    31    24       3.8     3.7       4.9          -      0.6       6.4   3.1   2.8     2.4     1.5
 Finland                   188          28     7     4       4.6     8.0      -5.4        3.6     -0.2       2.7   1.7   1.8     1.5    -0.8
 France                    181          34     9     5       4.4     8.4      -6.1        3.7      0.7       2.8   1.8   1.6     1.5     1.7
 Gabon                      29         287   164   145       1.9     1.8      24.3        5.6     -1.2       4.1   5.0   5.4    -0.7    -1.1
 Gambia                     55         364   127    87       3.5     5.4       7.2          -     -0.5       6.4   5.9   5.2     0.3     1.8
 Georgia                   109          70    31    29       2.7     1.0      11.2          -    -19.3       2.9   2.2   1.9     0.9     2.1
 Germany                   181          40     9     5       5.0     8.4      -6.1        3.0x     0.7       2.4   1.4   1.3     1.8     1.1
 Ghana                      47         215   127   107       1.8     2.4      14.1       -0.8      1.5       6.9   6.0   5.3     0.5     1.8
 Greece                    159          64    11     8       5.9     4.5       3.1        4.8      1.3       2.2   1.5   1.4     1.3     1.0
 Grenada                   109           -    37    29         -     3.5       5.3          -      0.6         -     -     -       -       -
 Guatemala                  74         202    81    55       3.0     5.5       0.6        3.0      0.5       6.9   5.6   4.9     0.7     1.9
 Guinea                     13         380   237   201       1.6     2.4      35.2        1.3      1.9       7.0   7.0   6.6     0.0     0.8
 Guinea-Bissau               7         336   246   220       1.0     1.6      38.2       -2.7      0.5       5.1   5.8   5.5    -0.4     0.8
 Guyana                     57         126    90    82       1.1     1.3      10.4          -     10.4       6.5   2.6   2.3     3.1     1.8
 Haiti                      34         253   148   132       1.8     1.6      21.1        0.9     -6.9       6.3   4.9   4.6     0.8     0.9
 Holy See                    -           -     -     -         -       -         -          -        -         -     -     -       -       -
 Honduras                   81         204    61    45       4.0     4.3       3.3        1.1      1.2       7.5   5.1   4.4     1.3     2.1
 Hungary                   149          57    16    11       4.2     5.4       0.9        5.1     -0.6       2.0   1.8   1.4     0.4     3.6
 Iceland                   181          22     5     5       4.9     0.0      13.9          -      0.5       4.0   2.2   2.2     2.0     0.0
 India                      45         236   131   108       2.0     2.8      14.5        1.5      3.8       5.9   3.7   3.1     1.6     2.5
 Indonesia                  68         216    95    68       2.7     4.8       2.4        5.2      5.9       5.5   3.1   2.7     1.9     2.0
 Iran                       96         233    59    35       4.6     7.5      -3.9        2.9      1.0       7.2   5.7   4.8     0.8     2.5
 Iraq                       37         171    48   122       4.2   -13.3      44.6          -        -       7.2   5.9   5.3     0.7     1.5
 Ireland                   163          36     9     7       4.6     3.6       5.1        2.8      5.1       3.8   2.1   1.8     2.0     2.2
 Israel                    171          39    12     6       3.9     9.9      -9.6        3.7      3.2       3.9   3.0   2.8     0.9     1.0
 Italy                     171          50    10     6       5.4     7.3      -3.7        3.2      0.9       2.5   1.3   1.2     2.2     1.1
 Jamaica                   149          76    16    11       5.2     5.4       0.9       -0.1      0.9       5.4   2.6   2.5     2.4     0.6
 Japan                     171          40     6     6       6.3     0.0      13.5        5.1      1.2       2.0   1.6   1.5     0.7     0.9
 Jordan                    118         139    37    24       4.4     6.2      -1.0        5.8x     4.0       7.7   5.8   5.2     0.9     1.6
 Kazakhstan                 84          74    48    44       1.4     1.2      10.6          -    -10.3       4.5   2.8   2.3     1.6     2.8
 Kenya                      55         205    97    87       2.5     1.6       9.9        3.1     -0.5       8.0   6.1   4.9     0.9     3.1
 Kiribati                   62           -    88    75         -     2.3       8.2          -     -0.6         -   4.0   4.4       -    -1.4
 Korea, Dem. People's Rep. 103         120    35    30       4.1     2.2       8.4          -        -       5.8   2.1   2.1     3.4     0.0
 Korea, Rep. of            171         127     9     6       8.8     5.8       0.0        7.3      6.2       6.0   1.7   1.7     4.2     0.0
 Kuwait                    146         128    16    13       6.9     3.0       6.5        0.6x    15.7       7.3   3.5   2.8     2.5     3.2
 Kyrgyzstan                 79         115    55    48       2.5     1.9       8.9          -    -12.7       5.1   3.8   3.2     1.0     2.5
 Lao People's Dem. Rep.     37         235   163   122       1.2     4.1      18.5          -      3.9       6.2   6.7   6.7    -0.3     0.0
 Latvia                    132          44    20    20       2.6     0.0      13.6          -    -10.1       1.9   1.9   1.4     0.0     4.4
 Lebanon                    93          85    40    37       2.5     1.1      10.9          -      5.4       6.3   3.3   2.8     2.2     2.3
 Lesotho                    31         203   148   137       1.1     1.1      22.4        6.8      0.9       5.8   5.3   4.9     0.3     1.1
 Liberia                     6         288   235   235       0.7     0.0      40.4        0.5        -       6.6   6.8   6.4    -0.1     0.9
 Libya                     115         270    42    25       6.2     7.4      -3.8        0.0        -       7.1   6.6   6.0     0.2     1.4
 Liechtenstein             163           -     -     7         -       -         -          -        -         -     -     -       -       -
 Lithuania                 143          70    17    15       4.7     1.8       9.4          -     -6.0       2.5   1.9   1.5     0.9     3.4
 Luxembourg                163          41     9     7       5.1     3.6       5.1          -      0.1       2.3   1.6   1.8     1.2    -1.7
 Madagascar                 25         364   168   158       2.6     0.9      27.1       -0.4     -2.0       6.6   6.4   5.7     0.1     1.7
 Malawi                      8         361   230   215       1.5     1.0      37.4        3.2     -0.2       6.9   7.3   6.7    -0.2     1.2
 Malaysia                  149         105    21    11       5.4     9.2      -8.0        4.7      6.1       6.8   3.8   3.3     1.9     2.0
 Maldives                   64         258    84    74       3.7     1.8       9.3          -      4.1       7.0   6.8   6.8     0.1     0.0
 Mali                        5         517   254   239       2.4     0.9      40.9        2.1x    -0.2       7.1   7.1   6.7     0.0     0.8
 Malta                     154          42    14    10       3.7     4.8       2.4          -      3.1       3.4   2.1   2.1     1.6     0.0
 Marshall Islands           54           -    92    92         -     0.0      13.5          -     -4.0         -     -     -       -       -
 Mauritania                 16         310   183   183       1.8     0.0      32.0       -0.1      1.7       6.5   5.6   5.1     0.5     1.3
 Mauritius                 123          92    25    23       4.3     1.2      10.7        3.7      3.6       5.8   2.3   2.3     3.1     0.0
 Mexico                     96         134    46    35       3.6     3.9       4.4        3.6     -0.3       6.9   3.4   2.8     2.4     2.8
 Micronesia, Fed.
  States of                118           -    31    24         -     3.7       4.9          -     -1.3         -   4.8   4.1       -     2.3
 Moldova, Rep. of          102          88    37    31       2.9     2.5       7.6          -    -16.8       3.3   2.4   1.8     1.1     4.1
 Monaco                    181           -     -     5         -       -         -          -        -         -     -     -       -       -
 Mongolia                   27         185   150   150       0.7     0.0      25.4          -     -2.3       6.0   4.2   3.3     1.2     3.4
 Morocco                    67         220    83    72       3.2     2.0       8.8        2.7      0.2       7.2   4.1   3.2     1.9     3.5
 Mozambique                 10         280   250   208       0.4     2.6      36.3          -      2.6       6.3   6.5   6.1    -0.1     0.9
 Myanmar                    42         252   130   114       2.2     1.9      16.3        1.6      3.9       6.0   3.9   3.3     1.4     2.4
 Namibia                    62         206    84    75       3.0     1.6       9.7          -      1.6       6.0   5.4   4.9     0.4     1.4
 Nauru                     103           -     -    30         -       -         -          -        -         -     -     -       -       -
 Nepal                      48         297   138   104       2.6     4.0      13.2          -      2.3       5.8   5.6   5.0     0.1     1.6
 Netherlands               171          22     8     6       3.4     4.1       4.1        2.7      1.8       3.1   1.6   1.6     2.2     0.0
 New Zealand               163          26    11     7       2.9     6.5      -1.4        1.7      1.7       3.9   2.1   2.0     2.1     0.7
 Nicaragua                  71         209    75    57       3.4     3.9       4.4       -0.7     -0.2       7.3   4.7   3.9     1.5     2.7
 Niger                       1         320   320   320       0.0     0.0      50.7       -2.5     -2.3       7.3   7.6   7.1    -0.1     1.0
 Nigeria                    15         207   190   187       0.3     0.2      32.8        4.2      1.2       6.5   6.5   6.0     0.0     1.1
 Niue                        -           -     -     -         -       -         -          -        -         -     -     -       -       -
 Norway                    188          23     9     4       3.1    11.6     -13.5        3.6      3.7       2.9   1.8   1.9     1.6    -0.8
 Oman                      138         280    30    18       7.4     7.3      -3.5        9.0     -0.3       7.2   7.2   7.2     0.0     0.0
 Pakistan                   33         226   138   136       1.6     0.2      22.1        1.8      1.1       6.9   5.8   5.1     0.6     1.8
 Palau                      98           -    34    34         -     0.0      13.5          -        -         -     -     -       -       -
 Panama                    132         104    21    20       5.3     0.7      11.9        2.8      3.6       5.9   3.0   2.7     2.3     1.5
 Papua New Guinea           43         204   112   112       2.0     0.0      15.7          -      5.0       6.3   5.1   4.7     0.7     1.2
 Paraguay                   99          90    37    33       3.0     1.6       9.7        4.1     -1.5       6.5   4.7   4.2     1.1     1.6
 Peru                       72         234    75    56       3.8     4.2       3.8        0.8      4.8       6.9   3.7   3.0     2.1     3.0
 Philippines                88         110    63    41       1.9     6.1      -0.8        3.2      1.0       6.9   4.2   3.7     1.7     1.8
 Poland                    149          70    19    11       4.3     7.8      -4.8          -      3.3       3.0   2.0   1.7     1.4     2.3
 Portugal                  159         112    15     8       6.7     9.0      -7.4        4.6      1.5       3.1   1.6   1.5     2.2     0.9
 Qatar                     132         239    36    20       6.3     8.4      -6.1          -     -5.1       7.0   4.4   3.8     1.5     2.1
 Romania                   114          82    32    26       3.1     3.0       6.6          -      0.1       2.3   1.9   1.4     0.6     4.4
 Russian Federation        115          65    30    25       2.6     2.6       7.4          -     -9.2       2.6   1.8   1.4     1.2     3.6
 Rwanda                     21         210   161   170       0.9    -0.8      29.6        1.6     -8.2       7.5   6.8   6.1     0.3     1.6
 Saint Kitts and Ne         93           -    44    37         -     2.5       7.8          -      3.5         -   2.7   2.4       -     1.7
 Saint Lucia               109           -    24    29         -    -2.7      19.8          -      2.8       6.9   3.3   2.6     2.5     3.4
 Saint Vincent/Grenadines  127           -    26    21         -     3.1       6.5          -      2.4       7.3   2.6   2.2     3.4     2.4
 Samoa                      76         210    62    52       4.1     2.5       7.7          -      0.1       8.3   4.5   3.8     2.0     2.4
 San Marino                171           -    10     6         -     7.3      -3.7          -        -         -     -     -       -       -
 Sao Tome and Principe      59           -    90    78         -     2.0       8.7          -     -1.7         -   5.1   4.7       -     1.2
 Saudi Arabia              112         292    45    28       6.2     6.8      -2.3        4.0x    -3.1       7.2   6.6   5.9     0.3     1.6
 Senegal                    36         300   147   124       2.4     2.4      19.1       -0.5     -0.6       7.0   6.3   5.7     0.4     1.4
 Seychelles                138           -    21    18         -     2.2       8.4          -      1.5         -   2.8   2.4       -     2.2
 Sierra Leone                2         390   323   316       0.6     0.3      50.2        0.7     -3.9       6.2   6.5   6.1    -0.2     0.9
 Singapore                 188          40     8     4       5.4     9.9      -9.4        8.3      6.6       5.5   1.8   1.8     3.7     0.0
 Slovakia                  149          40    15    11       3.3     4.4       3.2          -     -1.2       3.1   2.0   1.5     1.5     4.1
 Slovenia                  171          45     9     6       5.4     5.8       0.0          -      4.4       2.4   1.5   1.3     1.6     2.0
 Solomon Islands           112         185    36    28       5.5     3.6       5.1          -      1.3       6.4   5.6   5.0     0.4     1.6
 Somalia                     9         294   215   211       1.0     0.3      36.8       -0.1     -2.3x      7.0   7.0   7.0     0.0     0.0
 South Africa               69         126    73    65       1.8     1.7       9.6        3.2     -0.2       6.5   4.2   3.8     1.5     1.4
 Spain                     181          57     9     5       6.2     8.4      -6.1        4.1      1.0       2.8   1.4   1.2     2.3     2.2
 Sri Lanka                 136         133    23    19       5.8     2.7       7.2        2.8      3.4       5.3   2.4   2.1     2.6     1.9
 Sudan                      41         210   125   115       1.7     1.2      16.5        0.8      0.6x      6.7   5.2   4.6     0.8     1.8
 Suriname                  103          96    38    30       3.1     3.4       5.7          -     -0.3       6.6   2.8   2.4     2.9     2.2
 Swaziland                  52         233   115    94       2.4     2.9       9.8          -     -1.2       6.5   5.1   4.5     0.8     1.8
 Sweden                    188          20     6     4       4.0     5.8       0.0        2.0     -0.2       2.3   2.0   1.8     0.5     1.5
 Switzerland               181          27     8     5       4.1     6.7      -1.9        1.5     -1.0       2.4   1.5   1.5     1.6     0.0
 Syria                      99         201    44    33       5.1     4.1       4.0        5.1      4.3       7.3   5.7   4.1     0.8     4.7
 Tajikistan                 61         140    78    76       1.9     0.4      12.6          -    -18.5       6.3   4.9   4.0     0.8     2.9
 Tanzania                   30         240   150   143       1.6     0.7      23.8        0.8     -0.2       6.8   6.1   5.5     0.4     1.5
 TFYR Macedonia            123         177    41    23       4.9     8.3      -5.7          -     -8.5       4.2   2.2   1.9     2.2     2.1
 Thailand                   92         148    41    38       4.3     1.1      11.0        4.4      6.7       6.4   2.3   1.8     3.4     3.5
 Togo                       35         267   142   125       2.1     1.8      19.3        1.7     -3.9       6.6   6.6   6.1     0.0     1.1
 Tonga                     123           -    27    23         -     2.3       8.2          -      2.0         -   4.2   4.0       -     0.7
 Trinidad and Tobago       141          73    24    17       3.7     4.9       2.0        3.1      0.1       5.1   2.5   2.1     2.4     2.5
 Tunisia                    99         254    52    33       5.3     6.5      -1.7        4.7      1.3       7.1   3.6   3.0     2.3     2.6
 Turkey                     81         219    70    45       3.8     6.3      -1.2        3.6      1.7       6.3   3.2   2.5     2.3     3.5
 Turkmenistan               59         150    80    78       2.1     0.4      12.7          -    -13.1       6.4   4.3   3.6     1.3     2.5
 Tuvalu                     72           -    56    56         -     0.0      13.5          -        -         -     -     -       -       -
 Uganda                     31         224   165   137       1.0     2.7      22.4       -2.2      4.0       6.9   7.1   7.1    -0.1     0.0
 Ukraine                   118          53    24    24       2.6     0.0      13.5          -    -13.5       2.2   1.8   1.4     0.7     3.6
 United Arab Emirates      154         223    14    10       9.2     4.8       2.4          -     -4.8       6.9   4.2   3.5     1.7     2.6
 United Kingdom            163          27     9     7       3.7     3.6       5.1        2.0      1.5       2.7   1.8   1.7     1.4     0.8
 United States             159          30    10     8       3.7     3.2       5.9        1.8      1.2       3.5   2.0   2.0     1.9     0.0
 Uruguay                   127          56    24    21       2.8     1.9       9.1        2.5      3.8       2.9   2.4   2.3     0.6     0.6
 Uzbekistan                 70         122    63    60       2.2     0.7      11.9          -     -5.6       6.3   4.1   3.5     1.4     2.3
 Vanuatu                    77         225    70    50       3.9     4.8       2.3          -     -1.1       7.2   4.8   4.4     1.4     1.2
 Venezuela                 115          75    27    25       3.4     1.1      11.0        2.3     -0.3       6.6   3.5   3.0     2.1     2.2
 Viet Nam                   86         219    55    43       4.6     3.5       5.3          -      6.2       6.1   3.8   3.0     1.6     3.4
 Yemen                      49         340   129   100       3.2     3.6      11.9          -     -2.2       7.6   7.6   7.6     0.0     0.0
 Yugoslavia                127         120    30    21       4.6     5.1       1.6          -        -       2.7   2.1   1.8     0.8     2.2
 Zambia                     12         213   192   202       0.3    -0.7      35.3       -1.2     -4.8       6.6   6.2   5.5     0.2     1.7
 Zimbabwe                   58         159    81    80       2.2     0.2      13.1        1.7     -1.1       7.5   5.4   4.7     1.1     2.0

 Regional summaries

 Sub-Saharan Africa                    257   180   170       1.2     0.8      30.4        2.8     -0.4       6.6   6.3   5.9     0.2     1.1
 Middle East and North Africa          241    74    62       3.9     2.7       9.1        3.1      0.4       7.1   5.1   4.4     1.1     2.2
 South Asia                            239   135   116       1.9     2.1      17.2        1.4      3.3       6.1   4.0   3.4     1.4     2.3
 East Asia and Pacific                 201    58    52       4.1     1.6      10.3        4.9      8.1       5.8   2.5   2.1     2.8     2.4
 Latin America and Caribbea            154    53    41       3.5     3.8       5.3        4.0      2.1       6.0   3.2   2.7     2.1     2.3
 CEE/CIS and Baltic States             101    42    35       3.0     2.4       6.3          -     -4.4       3.0   2.3   1.8     1.0     3.0
 Industrialized countries               37     9     7       4.7     4.5       3.1        2.9      1.1       2.8   1.7   1.7     1.6     0.5
 Developing countries                  216   104    96       2.4     1.2      18.7        3.7      4.0       6.0   3.6   3.1     1.8     1.9
 Least developed countries             281   182   168       1.4     1.1      29.3       -0.1      0.0       6.6   5.8   5.3     0.4     1.2
 World                                 192    94    87       2.4     1.1      18.4        3.1      1.5       5.0   3.2   2.8     1.5     1.7

 Countries in each region are listed in the Regional summaries country list.

Definitions of the indicators

Under-five mortality rate -- Probability of dying between
birth and exactly five years of age expressed per 1,000 live

GNP per capita -- Gross national product (GNP) is the sum of
gross value added by all resident producers, plus any taxes
that are not included in the valuation of output, plus net
receipts of primary income from non-resident sources. GNP
per capita is the gross national product, converted to
United States dollars using the World Bank Atlas method,
divided by the mid-year population.

Total fertility rate -- The number of children that would be
born per woman if she were to live to the end of her
childbearing years and bear children at each age in
accordance with prevailing age-specific fertility rates. 

Average annual rate of reduction required 1997-2000 --
The average annual reduction rate required, for the period
1997-2000, to achieve an under-five mortality rate in the
year 2000 of 70 per 1000 live births or two thirds the 1990
rate, whichever is less.

Main data sources

Under-five mortality -- United Nations Population Division,
United Nations Statistics Division and UNICEF.

GNP per capita -- World Bank.

Fertility -- United Nations Population Division.
- Data not available.
x Indicates data that refer to years or periods other than
  those specified in the column heading, differ from the
  standard definition, or refer to only part of a country.

Regional summaries country list

Regional averages given at the end of each table are
calculated using data from the countries as grouped below.

Sub-Saharan Africa

Angola; Benin; Botswana; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cameroon;
Cape Verde; Central African Rep.; Chad; Comoros; Congo;
Congo, Dem. Rep.; Côte d'Ivoire; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea;
Ethiopia; Gabon; Gambia; Ghana; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau;
Kenya; Lesotho; Liberia; Madagascar; Malawi; Mali;
Mauritania; Mauritius; Mozambique; Namibia; Niger; Nigeria;
Rwanda; Sao Tome and Principe; Senegal; Seychelles; Sierra
Leone; Somalia; South Africa; Swaziland; Tanzania; Togo;
Uganda; Zambia; Zimbabwe

Middle East and North Africa

Algeria; Bahrain; Cyprus; Djibouti; Egypt; Iran; Iraq;
Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Libya; Morocco; Oman; Qatar; Saudi
Arabia; Sudan; Syria; Tunisia; United Arab Emirates; Yemen

South Asia

Afghanistan; Bangladesh; Bhutan; India; Maldives; Nepal;
Pakistan; Sri Lanka

East Asia and Pacific

Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; China; Cook Islands; Fiji;
Indonesia; Kiribati; Korea, Dem. People's Rep.; Korea, Rep.
of; Lao People's Dem. Rep.; Malaysia; Marshall Islands;
Micronesia, Fed. States of; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nauru; Niue;
Palau; Papua New Guinea; Philippines; Samoa; Singapore;
Solomon Islands; Thailand; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; Viet Nam 

Latin America and Caribbean

Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Bahamas; Barbados; Belize;
Bolivia; Brazil; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cuba;
Dominica; Dominican Rep.; Ecuador; El Salvador; Grenada;
Guatemala; Guyana; Haiti; Honduras; Jamaica; Mexico;
Nicaragua; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Saint Kitts and Nevis;
Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent/Grenadines; Suriname; Trinidad
and Tobago; Uruguay; Venezuela

CEE/CIS and Baltic States

Albania; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Bosnia and
Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Czech Rep.; Estonia;
Georgia; Hungary; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Latvia; Lithuania;
Moldova, Rep. of; Poland; Romania; Russian Federation;
Slovakia; Tajikistan; TFYR Macedonia; Turkey; Turkmenistan;
Ukraine; Uzbekistan; Yugoslavia

Industrialized countries

Andorra; Australia; Austria; Belgium; Canada; Denmark;
Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Holy See; Iceland;
Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Liechtenstein; Luxembourg;
Malta; Monaco; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Portugal;
San Marino; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; United
Kingdom; United States

Developing countries

Afghanistan; Algeria; Angola; Antigua and Barbuda;
Argentina; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bahamas; Bahrain;
Bangladesh; Barbados; Belize; Benin; Bhutan; Bolivia;
Botswana; Brazil; Brunei Darussalam; Burkina Faso; Burundi;
Cambodia; Cameroon; Cape Verde; Central African Rep.; Chad;
Chile; China; Colombia; Comoros; Congo; Congo, Dem. Rep.;
Cook Islands; Costa Rica; Côte d'Ivoire; Cuba; Cyprus;
Djibouti; Dominica; Dominican Rep.; Ecuador; Egypt; El
Salvador; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea; Ethiopia; Fiji; Gabon;
Gambia; Georgia; Ghana; Grenada; Guatemala; Guinea;
Guinea-Bissau; Guyana; Haiti; Honduras; India; Indonesia;
Iran; Iraq; Israel; Jamaica; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kenya;
Kiribati; Korea, Dem. People's Rep.; Korea, Rep. of; Kuwait;
Kyrgyzstan; Lao People's Dem. Rep.; Lebanon; Lesotho;
Liberia; Libya; Madagascar; Malawi; Malaysia; Maldives;
Mali; Marshall Islands; Mauritania; Mauritius; Mexico;
Micronesia, Fed. States of; Mongolia; Morocco; Mozambique;
Myanmar; Namibia; Nauru; Nepal; Nicaragua; Niger; Nigeria;
Niue; Oman; Pakistan; Palau; Panama; Papua New Guinea;
Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Qatar; Rwanda; Saint Kitts and
Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent/Grenadines; Samoa; Sao
Tome and Principe; Saudi Arabia; Senegal; Seychelles; Sierra
Leone; Singapore; Solomon Islands; Somalia; South Africa;
Sri Lanka; Sudan; Suriname; Swaziland; Syria; Tajikistan;
Tanzania; Thailand; Togo; Tonga; Trinidad and Tobago;
Tunisia; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Tuvalu; Uganda; United Arab
Emirates; Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Venezuela; Viet Nam;
Yemen; Zambia; Zimbabwe

Least developed countries

Afghanistan; Angola; Bangladesh; Benin; Bhutan; Burkina
Faso; Burundi; Cambodia; Cape Verde; Central African Rep.;
Chad; Comoros; Congo, Dem. Rep.; Djibouti; Equatorial
Guinea; Eritrea; Ethiopia; Gambia; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau;
Haiti; Kiribati; Lao People's Dem. Rep.; Lesotho; Liberia;
Madagascar; Malawi; Maldives; Mali; Mauritania; Mozambique;
Myanmar; Nepal; Niger; Rwanda; Samoa; Sao Tome and Principe;
Sierra Leone; Solomon Islands; Somalia; Sudan; Tanzania;
Togo; Tuvalu; Uganda; Vanuatu; Yemen; Zambia